"fuck off mike"

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Everyone was watching them

P- Why do you keep saying that to me?

He stood up straight and didnt say anything

P- you always remind me

Pd- let's not do this infront of them

P- no maybe we should. I want them to know how bad of a person you are

Pd- im not a bad person your making it seem like that

He was walking towards the door to leave

P- im not fucking done! Why do you think you get to walk all over me?!?!!?!?

Pd- i dont walk over you. Your just too soft and you make it seem like that when in reality your worth nothing and i think you forget that and you over step your place

P- oh please you can't say that im worthless when i accomplished way more in life then you

He started walking closer to her

P- back up!

Pd- if your talking about letting everyone use me and minipulate me. You win by a long shot

P- your a horrible dad

Pd- im not a horrible dad your just a horrible daughter

He raised his voice

Pd- i tried to be there for you, your just too stubborn to see it. I've secrificed a lot to spend time with you. I used to take you guys on bike rides all the time!

P- what a fucking liar! I cant even ride a bike so that story is 100% bullshit. Maybe you took logan bike riding

Pd- are you jealous of him or something?!?! You always compare yourself to him. Hes a boy hes supposed to be my favorite

P- of course im FUCKING JEALOUS. How is that fair that you give all your love and attention to one child and forget about the other one!??!?!?

Pd- idk whats that problem with having a favorite. I treated you and your mother the same. You both got respected but when it comes to me you guys give me shit

P- mhm put the blame on us as always. So sleeping with lidnsy, leah, Emmily, sofia and marry is respecting your wife?!??! Getting your dick sucked by 5 OTHER chick's that isnt your wife is respecting her?!!!?!?!

He rolled his eyes

Pd- i stopped after she cought me it wasn't the biggest deal in the world

P- mhm its the fact that you stopped after she cought you and you didnt stop before that because you know maybe you should be back at home with your wife to help take care of the kids. And after she cought you, you still had videos of them so you must of missed them

Pd- your mom was old and she had TWO kids why would i want a women like that??

P- 1. Because you married her 2. If you took health class you would know the basics

He still kept going closer to her

P- wait right here

She went in the kitchen and grabbed a knife


Br- pi-

P- shut up!

She held it out infront of her

P- your the one whos supposed to throw me in the air and catch me but instead you throw me up and you let me fall flat on my face. Your supposed to the one who protects me from the rapist and the manipulators but you dicide to let them into our family. I WAS FUCKING 16

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