still trying to find pierson

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Pierson's pov

Why does the worst always happen to me it makes no sense. I feel like ever since I joined this group and met brent for the first time I've been a target.

Tw- how you doing back there?

P- Great! Getting kidnaped and abused by the same guy who r*ped me and being away from my friends is honestly just great

Tw- drop the attitude

P- or what you don't care about me anyway

Tw- yes I do

P- oh yeah totally that's why your kidnapping me

Tw- Pierson if you haven't noticed I love you and I want you all to myself without worrying that the brent boy is gonna steal you away from me

P- first off I can surely tell you "love me" and second of all brents not gonna steal me I don't know why you think that

Tw- you're are dating

P- nope

Tw- best friends

P- nu uh

Tw- friends?

P- ....

Tw- friends with benefits?

P- not anymore. I'm NOT his friend

Tw- FINALLY I have you all to myself

P- uhh no

Tw- yes

P- I don't think so

Tw- I don't give a fu*k what I say goes

P- you think I give a sh*t about you? That's funny. I DISPISE you

Tw- you know what I love you with all my FU*KING HEART and this is how you treat me? You know what no more mister nice guy

P- you think im scared of you? Oh please

Tw- then I'll make you

Twan pulled over the van and went to the back where pierson is

P- what are you doing

Tw- you said you weren't scared of me so ill make you scared

P- w-what d-do you mean by that

Tw- oh don't worry it'll just hurt a littel


Tw- you know what we will be needing this

(He holds up a piece of tape)

P- I don't think we need that do we now
*nervous laugh*

Tw- no I think we do

He puts it on her mouth

Tw- now I'll be back

With brent and the group

Everyone but br- YoUr BoDy
lIgHtWeIGhT SpEaKs To mE

Br- do you guys just not care that pierson is gone right now

Lh- of course we do

Lr- who's we?!?!?

A- WHAT do you not care about pierson

Lr- oh now I MISS HER its just that Liv dosent

Liv- what when did I say that?

Lr- let's be real you want to date brent

Liv- what no that was so long ago

Lr- mhm sure

*incase you forgot brents driving*

Br- hold on is that THEM

J- what car are they in

S- I saw them driving away in a van

D- and you didn't think to tell us

S- why would I we where gonna look for her anyway


B- holy calm down brent

Br- no because you guys are taking this as a joke

D- it's not that deep

Br- I just miss her a lot

Lr- does that mean you guys will get back together with her?

Br- I really really want to get back together with her but I don't think she wants to

A- are you kidding ofc she wants to have no one trust someone when they try to give them away

Br- I know I just feel horrible

A- why?

Br- I told her I would find her fast but i still can't

J- what happend to the van that you thought was them

Br- it's not them

Police- weee wooo weee wooo

Br- omfg
*a tear dropped from his eye*

J- it's ok we will find her

With twan and pierson

Tw- back did you miss me

P- *mumbling*

Tw- oh yeah can't talk hahaha

A tear runs down her cheek

Tw- well you look very tense lets loosen that

*He hits her on her thighs (hard)*

P- *crying*

Tw- oh I can't hear you

He takes the tape off her mouth (her hands and feet are tied)

P- stop please

Tw- no I think I'll keep going

*He slaps her across her face*

P- *crying*


Umm that's all bye luvvvies ❣💖💚💚💓💚💖

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