letting loose Br&P

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Br- I was-

P- I'm sorry idk why I asked you. Your probably disappointed in me I'm sorry. I'm really dumb for asking. Your probably thinking that I'm disgusting

Br- you need to calm down okay? I was going to say yes

P- really? Remember the time I asked you in the car what you would do if I smoked and you said that you would convince me to stop and you would be mad and disappointed

Br- well you weren't having that bad of a crisis back then. And either way I've always wanted to try I just never had the time

Pierson smiled

Br- let's go buy them

P- i already have some

Br- how long have you been doing this for?

P- only once I promise

Br- mhm okay...

They both went outside and sat on the curb

P- okay let me light it

She lit both of theirs

P- okay now hold it up to your mouth

Br- mhm

P- and when I say go inhale then hold it for 2 seconds and release but make sure to swallow

Br- got it

P- okay 3, 2, 1 go

He inhaled it and released. He started coughing

Br- that's strong omg

P- I know right?

Br- not something I'd get addicted to but it's alright

Pierson did some of hers

Br- do you injoy doing this?

P- I don't know. Last time I did this I drank to

Br- can we agree that after this you don't smoke again?

P- yeah I guess. I'm not a fan on the taste I just like the high part of it when you feel like your floating

Br- how much does it take to get high?

P- 3 unfortunately

Br- how about you only take 2 because if my mom catches you or me high. I'm going to get it

P- why?

Br- she doesn't necessarily like people that smoke she thinks it's... dirty. Please don't take offense to that

P- none taken. My mom would've flipped too. When I was younger she always used to tell me not waste my life on a USB,q or on a little stick. And I used to agree with her

Br- but now look at us. Ones suicidal and the other-

P- tries to help out his overly dramatic wife

Br- your not dramatic

P- okay whatever you say. It's crazy how life can take such sudden turns

Br- right!?!? Like I can still remember the day I actually met you like it was yesterday

P- remember when me and lexi pranked you when we first started dating and you and the boys showed up in wigs? That was hilarious. We should do a reacting to all our old videos

Br- no because I was so mad because back then we weren't even dating for a full week but yeah it was funny. We should do a reaction video. But that was moments before disaster

Baby just say yesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang