"its called communication"

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They paid for brents stuff then left

Pierson tried to kiss him but he moved away

Br- can we get some food before we leave?

P- no

Br- lets get some food, pleaseeeee

P- i said no you already know why. Ill just make you some food when we go home

Br- i dont want your food

P- and why not?

Br- i just don't want it

P- i dont have time for you to tell me what you like from what you dont like. Landrew is going wild so we have to get home

Br- i could care less

P- don't push it

Br- your talking like your actually going to do something

P- your right im not going to do anything but shut up

Br- im driving

They both ran to the car. Pierson got in first

P- suck my dick

Brent went in the passenger seat and took Pierson's phone. She started driving

Br- who's jason?

P- omds why do you have my phone?

Br- stop trying to avoid the question

P- im not trying to avoid the question im asking you in general why do you have my phone

Br- because I just do so now whos jason???

P- the guy we met at the store jeez

Br- why do you have his number?

P- because we got along and he asked for it

Br- everytime you get a guys number something bad happends

P- no

Br- yes

P- no

Br- yes, didnt Ryan devlop feelings for you?

P- yeah but i shot him down

Br- idc stop giving out your number like that and it doesn't make it any better that we are on social media

P- well it's not my fault that im trying to make friends

Br- omg why do i even try to talk to you

P- i ask myself the same question. Give me my damn phone

She took it from him

Br- i dont understand why i cant go through it

P- you dont understand anything its like theres nothing in your head

Br- your the same one who dosent know how to ride a bike

P- i was never tought to omg you know that!

Br- too bad for you

Pierson stopped driving and they both marched in the house

P- get the fuck away from me

Br- well if you weren't being such a asswhole i would take offense to that

P- your the same one who refused to stay in the store with me and then got mad at me when i talked to another guy

Liv- GUYS!

S- You guys are fighting too?

Br- yeah because of this roach

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