Chapter 8: Sisters?

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It was 9 pm and I was still at my office working on something on my computer.

I'm not even close to finishing and if I want to finish it I might take a whole night.

So I rounded up what I was doing on my computer and then walked out .

When I arrived at the living room, I met them all siting already sitting on the couches.

Mateo and Liam were on one couch and they were both bickering over what I don't know.

While Jayden was simply operating his phone On the opposite phone not giving a shit about them.

"Guys..." everyone of them shun what they were doing and turns to face me.

"Finally Antonio  you are here." Liam sighed and rolled his eyes dramatically.

"What were you guys bickering about huh." I asks them playfully.

"It's him." They both pointed to themselves at same time like kids.

No matter how old they are, they can never stop acting like babies  well matoe is 21 and Liam 17 so they are the babies of the house even though I think they are about to be elder bros.

I just chuckled and sat across the other chair where I was facing them.

"What's this you want us to talk about??" Jayden asked with no emotions and kept his phone behind him.

I looked at everyone and cleared my throat.

"What I am about to say Now is kind of complicated  but I'll need all of us to behave mature and co-operate." I began and they all gave me a nod.

"I think we have a sister..."
they all tenses up and silence reigned in the air for a few seconds before I broke it again. "Not just one, but two."

"What?? How's that possible??" Mateo asked in perplexity.

"That's the same question I'm asking myself. Cause mum told me she was pregnant with a male child before she left." I reasoned.

"Wait...Mum was pregnant??" Jayden was shocked. And his expression was no deferent from the others.

"Yes before mum left, she told me she was pregnant with a male child and you know dad, he was fucking going to kill her if she doesn't abort the child cause he don't want another male child but a girl. Mum didn't wanted that so that was why she have to leave. Mum only told me and Austin about  this and I am not suppose to tell you but situation calls.." I said.

"Wow....fuck."liam muttered and my all three brothers started throwing questions at me.

Starting with how I knew that we have sisters, where are they and who are they?

Giving them the answers, I told them how I saw mother's pendant with Rechel and when She ran away, someone else was brought in place for her.

She was mistook for Rechel  cause of thier striking resemblance but that isn't the case, she bears same name with us.

At least that's what her orphanage papers said.

Both Liam and Mateo were looking so shock and surprised. Their lips were parted but words weren't coming out.

Jayden on the other hand, didn't believe all these one bit.

"What if this is one of her fucking scheme to get the fuck away with what she did and also use the opportunity to get close to us?" Jayden viberated. Raw anger lacing in his voice. and I quite understand him. Jayden kinda have critical trust issues cause of what he had experience in the past.

THE DE' COSTA Twins ~ Book 1 (currently editting...) Where stories live. Discover now