Chapter 36; I will miss liam

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Antonio P.O.V,

I'd been angrily pacing around my office, while Racheal and Liam were sitting opposite my office seat. I was literally backing them because facing them might prompt me to do something to them that I would regret for a life time.

Anger is too underrated compare to what I'm feeling right now. They've both fucked up, they messed up big time. Clarissa is fucking Is mad at everyone of us and she's a mess right now, it's all because of Racheal and this asshole-Liam. I don't know exactly what to say to them or who to start with.

Deciding to start from the eldest, I turned around and set my eyes on Liam. he avoided my gaze immediately.

"Liam you are the least angressive and violent person in the house.  why the fuck would you go as far as fighting Racheal?!" I barker angrily.

"You obviously should know I didn't mean to do that. Racheal pushed me to. You don't expect me to seat and watch her say those hurting things to Clarissa. She was spurring up the traumas we've worked so hard to rid off. She was adding more fire to the flames. Our baby sister is mad at us and probably even hate us all because of you guys and then Racheal was making things more complicated..." Liam spats, trying to conceal his anger.

"And then you think, hitting Racheal would pacify the situation?! Are you aware that you fucking gave clarrissa a panic attack huh?!" I yelled and kicked my office table.

"But Racheal hit me first Antonio... let's leave clarriss out of this for a moment, you don't expect me to watch Racheal disrespect me like that.I'm her fucking elder brother." He protested, spitting nails.

"And Respect is earned Liam." Racheal riposted him in equal energy. "You also don't expect me to respect you when you are always on Clarissa side, it's like my opinion doesn't matter. It's only Clarissa and Clarissa all the fucking time."

"Don't fucking raise your voice at me Racheal. I'm your elder brother for fuck sakes." Liam growled as he turns to face her.

"But Clarissa raised her voice at you all, she even insulted you and you all didn't do a shit but in my case, you suddenly remembered that you're an elder brother huh?!"Racheal retorted and Liam was ready to throw anther comeback but then I hacked in.

"Would you two shut the fuck up?! I can't believe that you two are so dense to the extent of not acknowledging the fact that you both fucked up, if for anything you should be remorseful right now. And you Racheal..."

I brought my attention to Racheal who was fuming with rage (of which I don't care at this point) "this whole mess started from you. If you haven't come to my office to nag about Clarissa brothers she probably wouldn't have gotten any clue about what happened. Clarissa have the right to be mad at us right now. All those things you  said to her wasn't fucking relevant. We should be apologizing to her, we should all play our fucking part trying to gain her forgiveness." I told her as polite as I can.

But that added more fuel, her eyes nearly turned red and started lashing out.

"So I'm the bad guy now?" Her voice was croaked even though she tried to yell. "You know what?! You all are bunch of bias people. You only care about Clara's feelings and mine isn't relevant. Why is that? Because I act tough? Do you think I would give a fuck in the world about clarrisa brothers if I didn't care for clarrisa? All my life no one have ever really fight for me, no one cared about me, no one give a tiny fuvk if I was hurt or not, I take care of my offenders myself but for the sake of my sister I put those aside and went out of my comfort zone to fight revenge for her because I thought she deserves it but now I am the bad guy?" She barked. Tears

was clouding in her eyes but she was trying to hold them back.

Her sober disposal got me sober up, a sense of guilt and hurt filled me.

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