Chapter 26: No one will hurt you again, baby!

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Clarissa P.O.V,

For the first time, Rachael  looked so scared traumatized and out of place. She's been innocently quiet ever since we came back from the casino and slumped on the bed.

I hadn't been any better. The whole event have been reviberating in my head. How I almost got raped again, tortured me mentally. But wait... Who could that man be to Rechel. Was the question that's been lingering on my lips but how can I ask that when I myself I've been a mess.

Liam had been playing mother hen for us both. He led us both to our room and has been trying to calm both of us with soothing words. Rechel wasn't snapping and flaring up as usual. She'd been awfully swallowing gulps and nodding which was getting me more terrified.

Right now we only one in room. Liam earlier said he'll be going to get us what to eat.

"who...who.., do you know that guy? Racheal? Who's he?"I  managed to finally ask. She looked at me and stared at me for a long time, somehow, I expected her to flare up and lashed out at me but she didn't do it instead she just looked away dolefully and she didn't say anything.

The creaking sound of the door, took our attention to the door. I expected to see Liam walk in but No, it wasn't just Liam who walked in. It was our all four brothers.

They were all in uniform long black coats, rage was emitting from thier eyes like the whole world had just offended them, even Liam looked so cold. The only person whom was a bit calm was Antonio.

Their presence generated goosebumps on my skin. Avoiding their gazes, I brought my gaze down, picking on my leg as I felt their gazes on us.

They stared at us in silence for a long time which was making me worried and nervous already.

"So you both haven't sleep yet." Finally Antonio spoke and asked how we were doing. I only nodded my head and recheal didn't make any comment. Antonio said that they've come to have a word with racheal and I was a little bit relieved.

They all got the themselves  seated. Liam sat on the bed with recheal while mattoe and Jayden sat on my bed. Antonio took the three seater couch, facing recheal.

"Racheal I'll only ask this once and I want you to be honest and open us." Antonio paused for effect maybe "Tell us what's being happening between you and your boss. What did that bastard did to you?" Antonio asked Rachael dead serious.  I watched Rachael as she  battled with her lashes and then said

"Nothing. He didn't do anything to me. He was just my boss" With the was she was squirming and trying to avoid my brother's gaze, I knew she was hiding something.

"No, not you too Rachael. I saw the  trauma on your face  when you saw him. That's beyond just a normal relationship between a boss and a worker. We know he did something to you so Apart from being your boss what did he do to you?" Jayden viberated Angrily and it took me back to that day when they all came to question me.

I put myself in recheal's shoes and I could tell she's fighting back different traumas and pains inside of her, yes that's what happened when you are being pressured to say what you don't want to.

My brothers in getting words out her mouth saying that they already have Maximo hostage so she have nothing to be scared of. Saying they have her boss  hostage, alarmed something in recheal.

"Maximo didn't do anything to me okay. He was just my boss and For your own good, you better let him go or you'll  all regret your actions." She charged at my brothers. Not in her usual firm angry voice, this time her voice was a bit quivering.

"he's very strong and powerful. He'll get back at you if dare mess with him." She half-yelled.

"I'm not worried about that." Antonio started quietly. "If he like he should be strongest in whole planet. I give no fuck. The only thing I'm concerned about is what he did to you Recheal. But it's alright if you don't want to tell us. Now that we have the fucker. We'll definitely find out and whatever he did to you and I'll pay him back in a hundred fold." Antonio declared sternly and made to stand up but My very surprise, Rechel did something  I'll never  expect from her

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