Chapter 55.

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I blunted then I waited for clarrisa reaction. I didn't know what I expected but I didn't expected her to stay still and be staring at me Normal like I've said the usual normal thing In the world.

"Okay? Uhmm... Do the rest of our siblings know about this?" She asked calmly.

"Not really. Only Racheal knows."

"Oh!" She mouthed.

"I really didn't chose this path for myself.
I never knew I'll turn out to desire same gender. Not until I met Favour. We actually met at the PlayStation. I saved him from some fuckers who were bullying him. We become friends like real close friends. I unknowingly started developing interest in him, I swear I fought back the feeling but when I discovered he also felt same for me, I couldn't just hold it in. We let our love blossom and started dating.
Please don't tell Antonio about this okay? don't even tell our other brothers  okay. They won't accept  me. they'll just throw me out and I'm ready for that."

"But you do know you ate going to tell them one day right?" She said the bitter truth.

"I know" I closed my eyes and  bit my lips.
"Now what about you?" I said turning to face her. "Are you okay with me being a gay?" It was suddenly hard to look at her in the eye ball.
She stared at me for a while and then scoffed.
"C'mon you don't even have to ask. If you all can accept a broken girl like me into your life just because I'm ralated to you by blood then who am I not to accept you? Gay or not, you're my family and family should support each other right?" She said beaming with a smile and I couldn't help the smile that crept to to face. I pulled her into a hug. "Thank you so much baby"

"You're welcome. Don't worry about the rest of our brothers I'm sure they too will accept you but I'll keep this secret for you though" she said as she pulled away from the hug.
I really want to believe her.

Clarrisa told me she'll like to meet Favour and suggested that join me and we all hang out together. Of course I agreed. I was also Impressed that she's becoming brave too.

Clarrisa pov,
As mattoe was driving us to the distinction of hi boyfriend, a part of me wanted to council my decision. I was already being worried and nervous about him. Especially as he's a guy.
What if it turns out that he doesn't like me? What if he's like the old jayden. I got to worried that when we arrived our destination, I asked mattoe. "What if he doesn't like me?" I whined  nervously.
Mattoe crackled with laughter before saying. "C'mon he should be the one worrying about that and not the other way round. He already likes you even when he hasn't met you. I always tell him about you and our brothers. So now cheer up baby girl" he said caressing my cheek. His bright stunning smile indeed cheered me up.

The surrounding looked so creepy, they were different guys and girls looking rugged which were hovering about but I didn't let that bother me since mattoe was with me. When we arrived at his boyfriend's apartment, mattoe knocked and a guy's voice  answered. Learning that it was mattoe, he refused to open the door. I then realize he was angry because mattoe had forgot they had an appointment. He was hell-bent on chasing mattoe away until mattoe told him he had a suprise for him.
"I'm not interested." He spat like a pissed up girlfriend.
"My sister is here, clarrisa" Mattoe devulged and I heard a loud gasp behind the door. Before you say Jack, the door was opened and before me was a young pretty boy. He exactly the opposite of What I'd expected. He was so cute and looking all girly, if could have an eagle vision he should be 16 or 17.
At the sight of me, a bright smile flickered accross his face. No trace of the angry face I expected to meet.

"Wow she look so much like Racheal" he said in awe still staring at me.

"Of course she's Racheal's twin" Mattoe said with a chuckle.

THE DE' COSTA Twins ~ Book 1 (currently editting...) Where stories live. Discover now