Chapter 32: the bastards are found

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Clarissa P.O.V,

Liam earlier told us he has something to attend to in his room. so he'd to leave me and Racheal. But before he left, he coaxed me and Racheal to calm down. I don't know if I calm down exactly but I stopped crying.

When Racheal stormed out of the dining angrily, I'd to follow her cause with that mood I knew she might do something razz.

Not like I'd that much courage to control her but I just found my feet followed her.
From the moment we got into the room, Racheal walked to the mirror stand and slammed it on the floor.

"Racheal." I gasped barely dodging someone pieces from penetrating my skin.

"Cazzo, perché i buoni devono sempre soffrire, eh?" Racheal barked in Italian.

[Fucking hell, just why do the good ones always have to suffer huh?]

"Huh?" I breathed. She gazed at me for a while and as if realizing that I don't understand Italian. She just sighed.

"It's nothing. I just feel so paranoid. Why do traitors have to get away with everything and the good ones suffers? Why?" She yelled rhetorically. I didn't know what to say so I just kept quiet. Why do I feel like Jayden's story got to her more than me?

She may be wearing a strong facade but I know she's hurting.

"Let me just clean this up." Racheal walked into the restroom and came back with a brush and Parker.
She tended to the broken mirror on the floor. I tried helping her out but she refused my help.

Not wanting to get in trouble with her I just obeyed.
Why she was at the restroom, taking a long shower, I was on my bed sketching a teddy bear.

I got myself involved in other to forget about any of my worries.

I didn't know how Racheal had gotten to be standing beside me on the bed until I heard her screamed.

"Wow! Did you seriously drew this from your imagination?" She asked while staring amazingly at my art work.

"Ummmm... yeah...yeah..." I sucked in a breath. She then sat beside me and took the draw book is her hand.

"Wow this is soooo amazing. I feel so jealous. You are one talented artist clarrisa." She complimented my work while staring at it in her hands.

I wanted to believe she was just bluffing or trying to mock me like everyone else but the smiles on her face seemed so genuine.

"Ummm... you... think so?" I said quietly.

"Of course. Now tell me how did you learn this? Where? Just who taught you?" She bubbled enthusiastically.

"Well. I didn't really learn it. I just find myself drawing whenever I'm sad, depressed or happy. It's kinda my hobby. Everyone ridicules my work though."

"What? Those fuckers are fucking blind." Racheal scoffed and I chuckled.

"Infact I want you to teach me how to draw? Please?" She said giving me a funny poppy face making me chuckle all the more.

"Well on one condition." I said getting free with her again. She gave me a frown. "Teach me Italian." I wasn't joking though.

I really want to learn Italian.

To my shocker, Racheal agreed to teach me Italian.

"Now for starters. Let's start with basic greetings in Italian. Shall we?" Racheal said in a professional ascent making me laugh.

She taught me almost all greetings in Italian and she's really a great teacher because I understood everything she'd taught me.

We soon got tired and hungry.

THE DE' COSTA Twins ~ Book 1 (currently editting...) Where stories live. Discover now