Chapter 29: Thr story of my life

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"Uhm-I..." I gulped, really really finding it hard to talk.
Battling my fingers, I looked at my siblings faces one note time.

Everyone had this quiet solemn look on Thier faces Aside from Racheal and Jayden, they look so much tensed, ounce of anger emitting in thier eyes. While Racheal didn't affect me, Jayden scared.

"Well I use to have the best life ever. At least I would say my family use to be the best thing that's ever happened to me. Being the last baby of our house, everyone was fond of me. From my parents down to my All three brothers. Yes I had three brothers but—but things take a turn when my father's dad. I basically was the cause of father's death. He died trying to save me.

Dad have. critical Aquagenic urticaria so it was dangerous for him to immerse himself in salt water but there was this very day at the beach. I was drowning, dad had warned me to swim but I was so stubborn and he was the only one there. He didn't think twice on his decision, he didn't think of the consequences of his Actions when he dived in to rescue me out.

But just after saving me, the water burned through his body rapidly and before help could come, he—he died.
My brothers blamed me for dad's death, they grew hatred for me for causing dad's death. And thier loathe towards me increased when mother's became more closer to me.

I mean I was greatly affected by dad's death, the fact that I killed him made me depressed and traumatized, for straight one year, I couldn't stop crying but Mum was there for me. She kept consoling me. She never supports my brothers in blaming me for dad's death and that triggered my brothers to hate me more, they hated me so much with passion.

They started hitting me on most times, it started from Dennis my second elder brother. He fired slapped me right inside the hospital ward and then as days rolls by, my two other brothers started hurting me.

They'll get angry at me for even the slightest reasons just so they'll have a reason to beat me up. Sometimes they'll group beat me and leave ugly bruises on my body. But I dare not tell mother about it, I've to find a lie to tell her because they threatens to beat me more if I dare tells Mum about. The torture from my brothers continue, they later starts doing for fun.

They starved me for no just reason, beat up with whips and sometimes Dennis cuts me with sharp objects. When he was extremely angry he'll do more vile things to me, burns me with Iron, make me sleep outside the cold when Mum was on night duties. My brothers sometimes uses me as thier punching bag each time they are angry or just want to have fun.

My life was hell, I was suffering and dying in silence but couldn't let Mum know about it because I was scared of what my brothers will do to me.

When we all resumed school, the suffering became worst. My brothers weren't the only devils in my life, but people at school. I was awfully quiet and literally scared of everything because of what I'm suffering from my brothers, I thought being meek will help me not get in trouble with anyone but instead they all took advantage of me.

Everyone in school bullies me and I couldn't defend myself. My brothers hated me more because I was a disgrace to them. I mean they were the new hotties of the school, everyone loves them both girls and boys. I was a stain to them and for that reason, they joined everyone to bully me. Honestly I preferred other student bullying me cause each time my brothers bullies me, they make sure they beat me up to whimpness. The bully kept on increasing cause there was No one to protect me. I mean my brothers obviously publicize thier hatred towards me."

"I thought I've seen it all but as if breaking me completely, my brothers s..started taking me to men. They made me a slut for them. While the men they take me to will sexually molest me, they'll get money off it. I...I really didn't want to remember all that those men did to me but was the darkest moment of my life." My voice was breaking in decreasing other of my telling my tails and this point, I was trembling vigorously. Breathing became difficult for me as I ended my tail.

THE DE' COSTA Twins ~ Book 1 (currently editting...) Where stories live. Discover now