Chapter 40:

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Racheal's p.o.v,

I'd woken up on the wrong side of bed, I was dead angry. The mood I was in yesterday was still raw in my system.

yesterday was such a fucking bad day. I Swear if I am given another chance to go back, I'll kill Jayden. I can't believe he've the nerves to bring up an old topic, blaming me for clarrisa leaving. Is it my fault that clarrisa is fucking being naive and self-centered?

Okay fine, I admit I'm somehow on the wrong, I shouldn't have make things more worst knowing fully well about her past but then I was just fucking hurt by her not being appreciative of what we did for her and I just couldn't control myself.

At least I'm already remorseful for that, there's no day that passes that I don't ask Antonio about her because I know her keeping tabs on her and thankfully he always assures me she's safe.

As I trudged through the stairs, I was flabbergasted to meet mattoe sitting on the stair case. Cause one, it was way too early I mean it's just 5am. I don't really know why I even left my room but let say I just had to.
Two, I've not set an eye on him throughout yesterday and then thirdly he was just shirtless.

"Mattoe...." I cooed, he lifts his head up a bit from his palms and I nearly gasped when I saw the redness in his eyes and the gaint veins popped on his forehead.

"Are you alright Matoe?" I frowned with a glitch of concern.

"I don't think I am..." his voice came out as a groan and he knocked his head back down on his palm. "If you know of any nearest place to get painkillers please help me with it racheal"

"Huh? Why? You having a fever." I placed my palm on his neck to feel his temperature.

"I'm having a bad headache and fucking stop the questions and help me shooo." He groaned out in obvious pain as he rocked his head on his palm.

Rolling my eyes and Without asking more question, I climbed back upstairs. I didn't know where exactly to get pain killers but after running the kitchen and my room, I finally found some tablets in clarrisa's cupboard. I went back to meet him, fetching a cup of water from the kitchen.

"Here you go" I said while offering the tablets and water to mattoe. He immediately took two pills from it and then gulp it down with water.
"Thanks a lot Racheal" He sighed.

"Now tell me where have you been throughout yesterday and what happened to you?" I asked on a serious note.

"I don't know. I can't even remember a shit." Mattoe replied in a monotone.

"What? How's that even possible. Did you get drunk or something?"

"Something like that" he says nonchalantly which got me upset.

"Hey, You aren't trying to hide secrets from me after I saved your life are you?" I smacked him on his arm. He look up from where he was seating and after giving me a feigned sad frown, she smiled-a smile that didn't really reach his eyes.

"C'mon kiddo don't be too hard on me." He stood up and cupped my cheeks, stroking my hair as he continue "I seriously don't can't remember everything that went on yesterday. I understand that you are being concerned for me and I really really really appreciate that Richie. trust me I'll never keep secrets anyway from my sister except I don't want you to worry about me."

"Richie?" I frowned. "That's a guy's nickname. Hello, I'm a girl." I say jokingly, even though I love being tagged as a boy though.

"Really? How come I see you more like a guy? I mean you're the very version of me when I was young, strong, bold and stubborn" mattoe joked poking my nose and I couldn't help but laugh. The atmosphere soon turned into a cheery one, even though I know mattoe was hiding something, I just didn't push it.
"Now tell me how was your day yesterday, how much did you miss me and was your night" mattoe asked while wrapping his hand around my shoulder. That was how we ended up talking about that motherfucking Jayden. I needed someone to vent on and thankfully mattoe willingly let me vent on him. He also took my side of course after telling him the whole story. He assured me that he was going to treat Jayden's fuck up. Like me, he was dead angry at Jayden. Mattoe is starting to be my partner in crime and that's just one reason I like him.

THE DE' COSTA Twins ~ Book 1 (currently editting...) Where stories live. Discover now