Living with mum

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Liam POV,

All my life, I've never felt this way. Right now I'm containing two feelings, I'll rarely ever thing I'll feel. Depression and Anger, severe anger. I don't know how I'm keeping it but I just am. Right now we are all in the car driving home, I'm seating beside Antonio while he's driving. No one would have even have any zeal to drive. I can swear we are all going to die if Matoe or Jayden drives.

" Loosen up guys," Antonio finally broke the awkward silence in the car. He took a quick glance at every one of us before focusing back on the road. "Clarrissa will just be away for a while, it's not like she died."

"Well why do I feel like it." I grumbled angrily, I tried to hide the sadness I was feeling though but failed miserably. I felt Antonio looked at me and then sighed.

"We all know this is for the best guys. Trust me I know how you all feel about letting our sister go off like that, I feel like shit too. If there was something I could do to make her stay then I would have gladly do it but she was so bent on leaving and forcing her to stay is out of the option. She will just hate us more than she already do and probably never forgives us for life." Antonio tried to reason, still focused on the road.

"And why should we exactly care about that?" Jayden lashed out from the back. "Why should we care whether she hates us or not. You of all people should know how much desperate our enemies are to bring us down and they'll use any possible means to make that happen and apparently clarriss is an easy target. Putting her out of reach is going to endanger her life. So which is better? Risking her life just to please her or protecting her even though she'll hate for life? Besides Clarissa is always bound to hate us, we aren't always going to get along because we aren't perfect. That's the reality of it Antonio and you know it."

For the first time, I can say Jayden had made a reasonable point in his life or maybe I'm the one seeing it that way cause I can't just stay a moment knowing my sister is out there among wolves.

"Jayden is right Antonio. Trust me it'll kill mr if anything happens to her. She've already been through so much, she deserved to be protected and guided like an egg. I don't care if I'll have to tie her up under my net and get to live with her hatred for me but her safety is what matters most to me" I added.

Antonio was quiet for a while and then he sighed before saying, "I understand your point guys.but It's not her fault that we have to follow this path so we shouldn't make her suffer for it. She deserve to be happy and pampered like the princess that she is. I can't imagine subjecting my baby sister to bdsm all because i want to keep her safe so she's better off being with her adopted mother for now. If that's what makes her happy"

"Seriously Antonio? You aren't possibly comfortable leaving Clarissa in that exposed house with just one woman are you?" Jayden attacked, acting like the eldest one this time.

"No I am not. I intend to hire as many of our most strangest and reliable men to to secretly watch over them and fill me in on her every day activities" Antonio said and Jayden quite agreed with that.

Though I did agree but still.., I don't think I'll be able to stay a day without my baby. For the few time we've stayed together I swear I've grew so fond of her. I low key love the way she gets shy and scared but I'll be there playing mother hen for her. I've never really taken care of anyone before, Since I'm obviously the youngest among my brothers, I'm the one who've been taken care of that's why when clarrisa came, I was so attached to her. The feeling of seeing someone as your responsibility is really euphoric.

"When is Clarissa coming back anyway," I asked a moment later.

"I don't know yet," Antonio said. "But On no account should anyone go to visit for the time being." The last statement made me gave Antonio a deep scowl.

THE DE' COSTA Twins ~ Book 1 (currently editting...) Where stories live. Discover now