Chapter 50: my sister and my boyfriend

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Mattoe's POV

(Few hours  earlier)

Getting to Favor's quarters, I nosed my biker to stop. The whole place was looking rugged as usual with the different bad boys and girls hovering about.

Before I got to Favour's door, I checked my time to be sure I hadn't delayed and I was glad I didn't. He'd called me at exactly 11:30 telling me to come over and I'm curiously, I got on the road.

Now it's 11:39. However I wonder what he's doing at home now though, I mean he's still a high-schooler.

After knocking once on the door, i heard him telling me to come in.

"Why did you ask me to come over Favour? Is everything alright?" I immediately starts rambling the moment I got in.

I met him half-lying on his couch, he was backing the door and wearing a hoodie.

"You're welcome mattoe. T—Thank you so much for coming." He stuttered out, my heart clutch a bit as I noticed the tremble in his voice.

He even looked away when I went to his view.

"You know I'll always come for you no matter what happens so that Aisde, what happened? Why did call..."

"Don't you want me anymore?" His voice held so much sadness and that burnt my heart.

"Of course not... you know thats not true. I'll always want you, Favour. I just want to know why you called me after..."

"I called you because I realized that you're the just the right one for me." Favour said in a shaky voice and with that, I knew something was wrong. I held his hand and casually tried to make him face me but he refused to face me, it's if he was avoiding my eyes or something.

I know Favour is a shy guy but we've lost past the shy stage a long time ago.

"Favour c'mon look at me what the hell are you hiding?" I said for the sixth time, gently trying to turn his face my way.

"Promise me you won't get angry..." he'd barely finished that before o forcefully turned his head to face me and when he did, fucking hell there was several bruises on his faces.

Like someone had punched him several times.

Anger like a monster, grew inside of me and my eyes turned red.

"Who did this to you?" I growled, gritting my teeth.

"It''s no...nothing. It was just an accident"  he stuttered and unfortunately he sucks at lying.

"Not buying that. Who the hell did this to you Favour?" I yelled beyond control, already going wild.

I can take all tortures but what I can't take is seeing the love of my life get hurt.

"Well, it's Oscar. He came here this morning and started accusing me for telling you that he was the one who asked me to broke with you. I tried my best to tell him, that I didn't tell you that but he was too angry... he beat me up." He said with a sniff. More anger dominated me.

"What? How could the bastard do this to you? You are fucking just 18, why will that asshole stage a fight with you huh?" I lashed out angrily.

"It's okay mattoe. This is just a small bruise I'll be fine. Please calm down" Favour said quietly.

"No this isn't a small bruise. I swear I'll offer Carlos's head to the bird." I growled and Favour gaped. He immediately started begging not to kill Carlos.

He doesn't want blood guilt on his hand. Though it was hard but I just promised him not to act on my anger. I mean I'll do anything for Favour.

"We've to treat this, now." I said and raked the house to her an ice bag and when I did, I used to start tending Favour's bruises. The bruises were really bad and it filled me with more rage. "Did you even try to fight that asshole back" I asked while matching his bruises.

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