Chapter 21: seeing a therapist

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Clarrisa's POV

I've  been at the living room ever since my brothers left.
I was really uncomfortable. Everywhere look so serene and spacious. I'd defferent scary thoughts running through my mind.

What if that John could be somewhere around and comes back to hurt me? My sister hates me so I  couldn't  go back to the room.

but hours past and I started feeling pressed. I needed to  urinate. I  couldn't bear it so I left to living room and head to my room.

Getting there, I was flabbergasted to meet Rechel smoking on her bed. As the smoke struck my nose, I held my chest and starts coughing uncontrollably.

My sister just sat on the bed and was staring at me while I cough my eyes off.

"Will you stop being dramatic all the time?" She finally snaps.

Really she thinks I'm being dramatic?

"Wh..why you smoking against Antonio strict rules?" I asked nervously as I stopped coughing.

"And why should I listen to him? Is he my father?" She scoffed.

"He's not but he..he is our elder brother and father figure." I muffled and like flash, all the blood in her body rushed to her eyes. Her eyes was now pure red.

Conniption gripped me as I watched her slowly slurred down from the bed. What's with her now? What did I say wrong?

"Repeat what you just said." She groveled as she starts approaching me, so slowly for effect. I envisioned her as a walking demon and more dear surged through me.

"S...Stay away from me." I swallowed hard, taking slow steps back.

"And if I don't? Will you call your brothers on me?" She burst into a feet of laughter. Laughing so hysterical like a lunatic. I couldn't stand her. I turned back and ran out.

I ran all the way till I arrived to the living room. Painting heavily and panicking like someone being chased by a lion, two people walked into the house. Antonio and Jayden.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Antonio asked instantly noticing my fear.

Before I could answer, I heard prodding footsteps and we all turn back to meet recheal who's just walked down.
With ciger in her hand, laughing like a phycho.

" was trying to hit me. I guess" I stuttered out still shaking in fear because I haven't recovered from the panic attack she came me earlier.

"And...and it's that why you scared?? Jayden half-yelled. Anger and a glitch of frustration emanating from his scary facial expression. In as much as I tried not to, I still startled a bit at the suddenl out burst.

"Jayden keep your voice down" Antonio cautioned.

"Why the fuck would  I?" Jayden riposted. "Look Antonio. If you keep pampering her she'll become something else. How could she  be scared of her twin sister. I understand if she's scared of us but not her twin?"

"Remember they didn't grew up together jay." A voice suddenly hacked in and we turned to meet Liam and matoe walking into the house.

"Even at that. Getting scared of a kid of her age is absurd and to think aren't twin suppose to have some natural bond or something?" Finally one of my brothers is shoving the plain truth right on my face. No matter how they try to paint it, Jayden was like my ex-brothers.

Even worst cause my ex-brothers never looked this way. I fears Jayden with every fiber of me and right now I was crushing.

"That just explain that we aren't sisters. I ain't a part of this family!" Rechel suddenly shouted.

THE DE' COSTA Twins ~ Book 1 (currently editting...) Where stories live. Discover now