Chapter 53

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Shaking in nervousness, I followed .Racheal led meto Antonio office. When we walked in, we met him on a heated phone call.

"Just Do whatever you can to fucking get her out of there and I'm done with this discussion bye!." He yelled and hung up the call. He looks quite pissed off which gave me the creeps.

"So here she is Antonio. I'll be leaving now" Racheal said and left.

Like Antonio's face softened up the moment he turns to face me which helped me relax.

"Come have a seat my dear" he told me monitoring to the seat before his, I sat on it while he seats before me.

"So how are you doing?" He asked with a warm smile.

"I'm fine." I'm mumbled picking on my nails.

"Are you sure? Like you aren't feeling any cramps... pains... headache or?" He carefully spoke every word, his eyes clearly concerned about me.

"Well I'd a little cramp but Racheal helped me tackle it already. I'm okay now"

"Good to hear then." He nodded and cleared his throat. "Now let's get down on the business of today. I'm going to have a few words with you concerning your new develop and for a heads up this is really going to be awkward but I've to do this." He said and I bit my lips in nervousness.
I muttered and "okay?"

He nodded and did some clicking on his laptop.

"So I did some researches about menstruation and I want to educate you on it." I listened keenly while he focused his gaze on me and started talking.

He talked about have slight of severe cramps during my period. And also I can get more emotional and aggressive naturally. He told me to change after about 6 to eight 8 hours and not wear the same panties I used for my period again. "And lastly" he cleared his throat and stared at me for what seem like hours then I know this was about being awkward. "You can now get pregnant if you've sexual inter-course with a man. So for future reference if you don't want to get pregnant it's advised you use condoms. Even though I know you aren't anywhere near that age."
I felt my lungs dried up at that. I swallowed severe lumps to relieve the tension I was in.

Indeed I'd never faced any awkward situation before. Sex related topics isn't something you want to discuss with your male sibling especially for someone like me.

"Uhmmmm....thank you so much Antonio for the advise. I'll observe and follow everything you said."

"You're welcome sweetheart." He said with a small smile then he stood up and came to hug me. "Congratulations for being a big girl—my big girl" he said so adorably, stroking my hair back and even though menstration hadn't been nice so far, it still warmed my heart.


dinner was just matoe, Liam and Racheal and me. We were having lasagne which Jayden had earlier prepared for lunch but I couldn't eat lunch then since I slept off.

"So I made popcorn for a movie night." Liam announced the moment we were done eating.

"Huh? What's that? What's the occasion?" Mattoe asked on behalf of the both of us who was surprised or bewildered. Racheal doesn't seem surprise.

THE DE' COSTA Twins ~ Book 1 (currently editting...) Where stories live. Discover now