Chapter 41: fun

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"Yeah where are we going to exactly." Racheal added as we got to the car spot.

"Haven't thought of that but I've got places in mind" Liam started, "Like. Beach? Playhouse? Park..."

A sense of trauma made my heart churned and I instantly cut Liam off saying
"please let's not go to beach." That place is where I'd seen the last of my father, going there will surely spike awful memories.

"Alright babe. Your wish is our command." Matoe held my cheeks and kissed my forehead. Racheal groaned and shook head then she walked into the front seat of the car.
We all got in. Me and mattoe at the back and Racheal with Liam at the front-Liam doing the driving.

Liam slowed down the car as arrived at an astronomical place that have the inscription, (play house). He nosed the car to a stop, parking admist some car and from the look of it, I could tell ours was the most expensive.

"A play house? Aren't this met for kids?" Racheal nagged we all headed out.

The place was filled lot of people and different fun stuffs.

"Trust typical Racheal to always have some negative to say and she will deliver" Mattoe said to no one in particular and Liam chuckled.

"Hey watch it" Racheal faked annoyance and slapped mattoe hard on his shoulder.
"Ouch. That hurts sis" Mattoe faked a pained expression.
"And you too..." Racheal wanted to hit Liam but he playfully dodged her.

"So what game our playing first?" Matoe suggested as we were thawing further into the playhouse.

We all chooses different at the same time.

"Rollercoaster" I said.
"Gun fire" Racheal said. I literally cringed at that.
"Caves" Liam said.

We all spent nearly an hour arguing about which one to play first cause no one was ready to adjust. Left for me, I don't even want to play any of games both Racheal and Liam said, they sounds too creepy so I stuck with my option. However Mattoe came up with two brilliant idea. First one failed. He said we will be picking according to our age but then it failed cause no one who's older between me and Racheal-yeah that'll be a topic for another day.

The second was to play according to letters of the option so we played caves first. It was really creepy at first but with Liam by myself every step of the way, it was really fun. I was laughing at the end of the game, we all were. Then we played rollercoaster which was more fun and finally here we are playing the gun fire.

It was just with my siblings, Matoe had paid for an exclusive.

It turned out the gun fire wasn't what I'd thought. It was a rubber gun filled with water and we were using it to shoot ourselves.
Racheal was all high-spirited about it.
It was fun being on her team. We were both shooting at Matoe and Liam.

"What are you doing clarrissa, come save me." Racheal yelled. She was on the ground while Mattoe and Liam were bathing her with water. I was refilling my water tank and the moment I was done, I attacked Liam's eyes unaware to him.

He fell to the ground and that distracted Matoe, so Racheal stood up and tactfully blew off the gun on mattoe hands.

"Hey...hey... girls that's cheating" Matoe tried to protect both I and Racheal only smile as we attacked him with water. We were chuckling while bathing him and Liam with so much water.

They look so funny. Their hair was like a rat soaked under the rain. I couldn't help laughing. None of our clothes was wet or stained though we were on rain coats.

"Okay okay... tabs enough girls. We fucking surrender." Liam said raising his hand in a surrendering manner. Both me and Racheal boast into laughter.

"Now you'll always believe me now. I told you guys, we are winning for sure. No one beats me in this game." Racheal bragged playfully.

THE DE' COSTA Twins ~ Book 1 (currently editting...) Where stories live. Discover now