Chapter 43: Yes, I am on drugs.

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Antonio pov

"let's go check what Mattoe is up to because this is becoming abnormal with all the calls and texts." Liam suggested after our sisters left.

"I Quite agree with that. Let's go." I past glances at my brothers before we proceeded to the stairs.

Getting to Matoe door, we wanted to burst it open but discovered it was locked.

I've to knock on the door urging matoe to open up but didn't responded.

"Open the door Matoe" I commanded calmly.

No response.

I knocked much louder on the door and yelled Matoe's name but still no response.

I low-key got worried for a moment until Jayden yelled  angrily and kicked the door with his timber-land.

" open the bloody door Matoe!!!"

"Fuck off my bloody door guys. I demand to be alone" it was Matoe yelling  back and that was strange. Matoe do gets angry but it was rare.

"You don't have a choice Matoe, fucking open the door." Liam yelled out, even though he looks angry I knew he was worried.
We all was and even though Matoe refused to open up, we stuck by the door.

Kicking, knocking and yelling at Matoe to open up but he was being a stuborn bitch.

"I've no bloody time for this."I groveled and stormed down to my office to get a silencer. I could use the gun at my pocket but it'll make an horrible sound And I don't want to get my sister terrified.

I got back at Matoe door in no time and I shoot the lock twice. The door opened and we all walked in to meet the greatest shock of my entire life.

No I am not talking about the way his room was up side down, his broken properties that was cluttered on the floor because that wasn't new but what I'll never expect or imagine was to see Matoe sitting on the bare floor taking cocaine.

Silence and tension stilled the air for a long while as we all stared flabbergasted at Matoe who in turn was staring back at us with his eyes red, white powder on his nose, his hair pointing all direction infact he was looking like how a drug addict should look-a lunatic.

"What the hell matoe?" Jayden was the first to break the silence, I was too disappointed to the point of weakness to even move my lips to speak.

"What? Why are you all looking like you seen a ghost?" Mattoe retorted back unremorseful. that enrage  and hurt me at the same time.

"Matoe do you have to result to this. Seriously? What have come over you? Why the hell will you be taking drugs." Liam yelled, scolding mattoe.

"What's so wrong about taking drugs Huh?" Matt groveled, his eyes flaming at liam.

"Matoe..." I croaked. "Out of everyone I'm surprise that you are the one Doing this. How could you? Since when have this shit been going on? What the fuvk came over you. I can't believe I've been breeding a lunatic in this house. A FUCKING DRUG ADDICT" I barked beyond control and combed my fingers through my hair. "Look, I'm really so disappointed In you."

Matoe glared hard at me and then laughed  like a psycho.

"Of course you should be. I mean why won't you be when it's always been about YOU, YOU, AND FUCKING YOU!!" He snapped, angrily. "You keep dishing barbaric and stupid rules just because your instinct says this and that is wrong and you wills us to abide by it without giving a single care in the world how that will affect us. You never makes any attempt to seek our opinion, because you are the eldest you deem everything you do is legit right and our opinions fucking doesn't matter" Matoe yelled all that out.

THE DE' COSTA Twins ~ Book 1 (currently editting...) Where stories live. Discover now