Chapter 58: self harm

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A flash of anger crossed me when I discovered it was Racheal.

"What happened?" Racheal asked giving me a suspicious look, her eyes shifted from my thigh to my left hand which I was using to hide the razor behind me.

I was dazed for a while, lost between recovering back from shock and thinking of a lie.

"No I should be asking what happened that'll make you forget how to knock!" My voice was unintentionally quaky. It was obvious that I used that to avoid the question.

I do not want Racheal to find out about the cutting, she'll definitely tell my brothers and I'll be an hypocrite to Liam and Antonio.

"Come off it," she rolled her eyes and scoffed. "What's the special occasion going on that I'll have to knock. Except you were doing something creepy" she said her eyes still staring at my coveted thigh.

"What happened yesterday. Did that woman leave already?" She sneered.

I wanted to ask her why she'd locked herself in her room since yesterday but I just locked up.

I'm really Not in the mood to throw any tantrums with Rachel.

"Wait..." I wanted to say something when she stopped me.
"Why is your eyes puffy. Have you been crying?"

I wanted to say something when yet again, she gasped softly and pointing to my thigh she asked "what's that?"
I looked down and holly molly blood was penetrating my skirt and spilling out.

"This is nothing." I rushed out and I quickly covered the stained areas with my palms but it was a wasted effort.

Blood continue oozing out.

Moreover Racheal scoffed and all of a sudden, she yanked off my skirt from my strong grip.

That caught me unaware so we both gasped.

I gasped because I didn't expect her action.

She gasp because of the deep cuts on my legs.

Her brows raised and her lips remained dropped open for a long time.

"You cut yourself!" She said after recovering from her shock, Her voice sounding like whisper.

and then she started scolding me like she was my mother.

She abused me for cutting myself and insisted on telling my brothers about this so they'll run a scrutiny in my room and eradicate all the sharp objects.

I know she was trying to be caring or concerned but it was annoying that I had to yell.

"Don't you dare do that Racheal!!" I growled through gritted teeth.

"I'm not that crazy to go about cutting myself for no just reason."

"No matter what happened, I see no reason for you to self harm. Fuck sake I thought you were over this. If you've any problems you could either fucking talk to our brothers or me..."

"Well, Mum is dead." I cut her off and that made her more shocked.

That statement stole the next words she wanted to speak and left her lips hanging.

Brief silence follows afterward as we both fixed Gazes on each other.

"What did you mean by that? Which mother are you talking about?" She asked still in bewilderment.

"Our birth mother of course. We were all told by your foster mother that she died way back ago." I sniffled.

A glitch of sadness cross Racheal's face but it quickly disappeared as soon as it came.

THE DE' COSTA Twins ~ Book 1 (currently editting...) Where stories live. Discover now