Chapter 45: Mattoe is dating?

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Liam  speed quite marveled me. I commended him for his fast learning skill.

"Thanks Liam" I said and pats his shoulder.

"Hope you are sure about this address?" Jayden asked sternly.

"Who knows. Maybe" Liam retorted sarcastically and scoffed while shutting his laptop.

Liam wanted  to come with us as me and Jayden were set to leave but I've to decline.

" just stay with twins at home. We need to keep very close eye on them this period."  I reasoned and that made the frown in his face disappeared. He nodded and stayed back.

I and Jayden settled in any random car as we set out to go find the motherfucking Matoe.

Mattoe's POV

When I left the mansion, I'd regretted it. I swear I did but I just have to do that cause I didn't know how To respond as I've caught unguarded taking drugs.

That's something I've dreaded the most.

The way I responded wasn't entirely for the influence of the drugs but I was still very much emotional about the text Favour sent me, it was heart breaking and unbearable.

When I left the house telling my brothers I was going to have some drinks, a huge part of it was to spite my brothers whereas I'd rode all the way to Favour's dorm.

Favour lives at the outskirt of town because it's closer to the school where he schools. He's an highschooler.

It would have normally take hours to get there but it only took seconds. I didn't nosed my biker to definite stop before I hoped out like a maianic heading straight to Favour's apartment.

Ignored all the hails being thrown at me from both girls and guys hovering around, some smoking and drinking. Yeah the honest is quite full of bad guys. Opposite of Favour if I must say.

As I got to Favour door, I wanted to burst in but when I discovered it was locked, I've to drum several times on the door.

"Who's there?" He only answered once and hearing that voice, melted my soul all the more.

When I told him it was me and that he should open up, the next thing he said crushed my heart to pieces. He told me to go away but not buying that bullshit I've to yell.

"You can't fucking be bouncing all my calls and now  kicking me out without explaining the stupid text you sent." I thunderered almost in tears.

"I don't think you need anymore explanations. It's over matoe. You and I both know this ain't gonna ever work out since you're ashamed of me. Obviously. I'm tired of doing shits in secrets. If you wants this to work out, you know what to do but if you can't make a sacrifice then it's better we call it quits." He said calmly from the other end.
Again something broke in me.

Hurt turned into anger as something dawned on me in that instant.

I mean this isn't the first time we're talking about this and all the times we've talked about this, only one person triggered it. That bastard.

"This is Carlos doing isn't it? It's Carlos who've been poisoning your mind again right? Tell me." I said angrily.

The long silence that followed was enough to get me my answer.

"Carlos or not, we both know our shit isn't going anywhere. It's better we call it quit and this time I mean it. If you want us back, you know what to do Matoe" he said with finality.

I knocked several times on the door, begging him to let me in.

Not just letting me into his house but letting me back into his life but all my cries went down the drain.

THE DE' COSTA Twins ~ Book 1 (currently editting...) Where stories live. Discover now