Chapter 33: True blood of a De costa

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While trailing after Mattoe, he walked past some guards holding guns who nodded at him. Sneaking past the guards was critical but I made it outside with Mattoe. I saw him meet up with both Antonio and Jayden who were standing in waiting stance at the car garage.

Gosh they are going out with cars, I'd go find a way to trail them. As if fate was on my side, I spotted John admist some guards.

I immediately walked up to him, he was enraged to see me but I give no fuvk.

"What are you doing here Racheal?"

"I need you to get a car ready and trail after my brothers let's go." I said impatiently tugging his wrist.

"The fuck Racheal. Why would I do that? Are you trying to get me into more troubles?" He lashed at me. I frowned at what he said.

"You don't want me to expose you to my brothers right? Look I've all the evidence against you so for your own good you better comply now." I said Authoratively. He glared hard at me, he opened his mouth to say something but closed it back. He'd no choice than to comply.

We waited for our brothers car to move farther before getting into a random car at the garage. John drives while I sat beside him trailing far behind my brothers.

"what did you put in my drink?" John suddenly asked angrily while we were on the highway.


"You fucking  heard me right!" He half-yelled and turned sharply to face me. "You see this?" He asked pointing to the purple  bruise around his  eye.
"That bastard Jayden punch me cause of you."

"This is just beginning John." I said with a Smirk.

"I Could just strangle you now you know."

"Well Go ahead and try. I Told my sister I'm going out with you. Should anything happens to me, she wouldn't hesitate to rat you out to my brothers." I smirked at him. After casting me a dead glare, he turns back to face the road.

After hours on the road, my brothers' finally pulled over at some bungalow house. I asked John to stop a distance away. While he drive the car back to the mansion, I walked down to the spot my brothers car was parked.

When they walked out, suprise and shock etched on thier faces as they saw me.

"Racheal? What the fuck are you  doing here?" Antonio asked, slightly angry.

"How did you even..."

"I trailed you guys." I said cutting him off. "I want to know what you guys are up to because I deserve to know right? I'm your sister." I snapped.

"Good thing you acknowledge the fact that you're our sister and should ever you get into danger or something bad happened to you it's going to kill us. Racheal what were you thinking. Why would you decide to trail us all of a sudden..." Jayden barked at me.

"Because you all lied to me. You made me believe that you aren't going to do shit to clarrisa brothers but then what? Don't even ask me how I know you all are here for clarrisa's brothers." I riposted  and they all look at each other.

"Racheal nothing justifies taking the risk of trailing us. Perharps we don't want you to get involved with anything that's prone to cause you harm, you our baby Racheal. We are to protect you instead of subjecting you to blood guilt. It'll kill me if anything happen to you Racheal" Antonio said solemnly, his dark eyes glowing really soft.

"I don't need you to be overly protective of me. I want to do this. Whatver you guys are going to be doing to make those bastards pay, I want to be involved and don't even try to stop me else I'll never forgive you all for lying to me." I declared with finality.

THE DE' COSTA Twins ~ Book 1 (currently editting...) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя