Chapter 46

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Guys I'm sorry for the long wait. I'm damn sorry

Mattoe's POV,

Honestly reflecting back to yesterday happenings, I so hate myself right now.
Even though I wasn't really myself yesterday, I can still remember how my brothers came to find me and took care of my drunkass miserable self.

I seriously regrets the way I've acted towards them.

Everything I've said to Antonio, I didn't mean a single one of it.

I've always agreed with Antonio decisions because they've always been for our own good. I just said all those things to him because I felt so shamed of myself and also I was still very much affected with the break up message from Favour and reason for the break up too.

I don't really have any valid excuse to take drugs but it was the only thing I could turn to as I couldn't build the courage to go to any of my brothers for comfort. I know they'd definitely comforted me but I let my fears get the best of me and then pinned the whole thing on Antonio.

He's done nothing wrong as far as I know. He've a right to be judgemental after his
Experience with our bastard father.

Antonio doesn't deserve everything I said to him. He'd been a father to me, to all of us.

He'd always put our interest and needs first. He's the best gift I can ever ask for. How could I really say those things to him. I'm such a bastard. Now I seriously need to apologize to Antonio. But then again how can I face him?


Right now, I'm sitting on the bed. My head hammering like someone was using axe to hit it. Well it's what I get for being an asshole.

I looked at the pain killers in my hands which I'd seen on the bed when I woke up. Without questions, I know Antonio had put them there.

I gulped some down with water and then went to take my shower. all through, I was thinking on how to face Antonio. I know I must apologize to him but I delayed things on purpose because I don't know how to approach him.

However finally making up my mind, I went out of my room and headed for Antonio room. After knocking severally on the door and he didn't respond, I know he wasn't in. I heaved a relieve sigh and went to his office. Same thing. He wasn't in.

Where could he be this early? I mean it was just 5Am.

Anyway Maybe this is a cue for me to prepare myself to face him later.

I don't know why but while walking past the room for shooting exercise, I decided to go there.

It's been long I aim at target board. So I went in with my gun with the intention to go clear my mind but when I got in, I met Antonio there shooting.

My heart honestly skipped at the sight of him.
I suddenly didn't have the courage to face him this time because I seriously didn't expect to meet him here so I tried escaping but his sharp eyes caught me.

"Don't worry mattoe you can come join me" he said, his eyes not leaving the board he was aiming at.

He usually does this when he's overwhelmed with problems. We all do this when we are down.

Swallowing lumps, I went to stand beside him.

"Trust you'd a goodnight rest. Yeah?" He asked dryly.

"Yeah" I said quietly. Actually I really did not after sleeping like a dead ass and woke up to a banging headache.

Moment of silence passed between us and none of us said anything. The thing is I was waiting for him to scold me about yesterday so I'll start apologizing.

THE DE' COSTA Twins ~ Book 1 (currently editting...) Where stories live. Discover now