Chapter 15: meeting her bullies.

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"Well to shock you, you are wrong. She have a family and one who are  ready to anything for her, even if it means killing the whole world ." I retorted gritting my teeth and I meant my words.

"Hello... " a tiny voice said and it was Rechel. I turned to face her. " I'm still here okay and to shock the both of you. I don't have a damn family. they are all dead to me." She said through gritted teeth and I felt a loud bang in my head. Nothing have ever hurt me more than my very own sister denying me in front of a stranger.

"And as for you Maximo  if you don't want the wrath  of the de costas you better leave here for your own good."

A glitch of terror sparkled in his eyes at the sound of THE DE' Costas. Wow so he doesn't even me.

Some guy suddenly ran into our midst, panting heavily.

"Capo. Antonio de costa  just arrive here." The guy informed.

"What??" The Maximo guy screamed like a Scardy cat and shook like jellyfish. His next action caught me unaware, he ran away with the guy that came.

I slapped myself mentally for letting him go off just like that, not with all the stuffs I've intended to do to him in my torture chamber and damn me I wasn't with my gun. I would have shot him right in the head. Fuck!!

Anyways Antonio however walked into the bar right in that instant. Like a scan meachine, his eyes met mine and he headed towards my direction with long strides.

"Jayden what are you..." he halted as he noticed Rechel who was standing before me.

"Rechel? Baby are you alright? where have you been? What happened? Why did you ran away?" Antonio rushed her with questions as he strokes back her messy hair,  checking her out.

"Which one do you want me to answer first?" Rechel snarled.  rudely yanking Antonio's hands off her. Both I and Antonio shared  glances. He's obviously as thunderstruckrd, stupefied  and addle  as I was.

What's with the cold shoulders?

"Well, I don't think there'll be need answering all that. You obviously don't look okay but the good thing is that I finally found you." Antonio said leniently with a small smile.

"Well don't rejoice just yet. that You found me doesn't change a thing." Rechel riposted.

"What do you mean..." Antonio brows furrowed with a frown. "anyways. I've got no time for this. Let's go home now."

"I don't have a home"  Rechel blunted out taking retreating steps from Antonio.

"Of course you do Rechel. You have a home now come let's go home." Antonio persisted and tried getting her to come with us but she was being really stubborn.

Her stubbornness was getting on my nerves but to much of my surprised I stayed cool. I was still trying to wrap my head at why she doesn't want us.

"Well you better behave yourself dear and let's go home peacefully or you won't like my next line of action. Trust me you don't want to see the angry side of me baby" Antonio sounded threatening and I was going to do same too.

After all I've got no reason to be scared that she'll get terrified  of me obviously she already hates us for reasons best known to her and she doesn't look like one who get spooked   easily unlike clarrisa, hence it was wise for Antonio to employ more action and thankfully it works on her.

"Whatever" she finally agreed in the most discourteous way,  rolling her eyeballs. Antonio chuckled as if finding her arrogant disposal funny.

Again for the second time, I lost Kayla. By the time we were done with Rechel, I looked around but couldn't find Kayla anymore. Seems like it's her lucky period I'll surely get her one day.

THE DE' COSTA Twins ~ Book 1 (currently editting...) Where stories live. Discover now