Chapter 57: Antonio's agony

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A/n: Gooooooooooood!!!! 😱. It's been ages right? I am so sorry for the long break. But I'm back now!! I'm not promising daily updates but I'll resume updating steadily. I missed you all. Chop 😘. Now scroll down to enjoy. 😊 😋

Antonio's p.o.v

Dead silence rested in the air, a sense of grieve settled in. . Pain and Agony was vivsible on everyone faces and I'm sure I'm not exempted.

When no one said anything, the woman continue to speak. I wonder how I could even still hear her.

"On her dying bed Mary  begged me to take care of the two girls and gave me a medal to give to any of the twin. That wasn't the  first time she told me they had older brothers but it was the first time she told me a lot about them. She told me the names of you all a d your surnames, De Costas. I really would have love to find you all and give you your sisters but I..." she sniffed and to my shocker, she burst into tears.

"I was  very poor back then. So I... I Sold the first twin  to the clinic as clarriss de costa." The moment she'd finished saying that, she closed her eyes in obvious regret.

"Yes your  mother specifically told me to make them bear Thier father's name. I then took the last one and named her Racheal de costa. She was the one whom I later gave the pendant to at the time when I was arrested and sent to jail for drugs. I am really sorry for my actions. I failed and broke my promise to Mary-lane. I didn't play a good mother to the twins, especially Racheal. I hurt her so much and I'm really sorry." The lady continue crying for forgiveness. But we were all mute. We've been weakened by the news of our mother's death.

Liam was straight up sobbing.

mattoe brow was knitted tight. Unshed tears was welled up in his eyes.

Jayden tears had mysteriously dried up and he was back to his issue fierce look.

Clarrissa looked so much like a lost poppy.

I myself I couldn't even breath. It felt like life itself was walking out on me.

The woman's cry became like noise to my ears and god bless jayden when he decided to speak up.

"That's bloody enough woman.!" He yelled and banged his fist on the table, making both clarrisa and the woman to flinch. "Even if you cry lake waters, you don't deserve forgiveness. A worthless and useless mother like you don't  deserve any fucking pity" Jayden vibrated in Anger.

I wanted to say something but for the first time, I couldn't find words. My lungs was dried up. Nothing was coming forth. My fist clench tight as I try so hard to hold back my tears.

But still, I felt a hot burning liquid  at the left side of my cheek.

hell no! I can't do this here.

I again, Look at clarriss and she was still just blank out.

Everyone on the table was silently grieving but I couldn't do a shit instead, I stood up.

"Where are you going?" That was Jayden. I froze in place for a while. I opened my mouth to speak but a sigh came out instead. Ignoring him, I Ambled down  to my  room.

When I got into my room, the first thing my eyes landed on was the photo frame of mother on the wall.

That photo brought back every memory of mother. Every moments I'd spent with her, the good times and bad times came resurfacing and playing real life. I felt my head spinning, my eyes aches so bad as I was trying to block my tears. I Can't just desolve the fact that  mother is dead.

No! it can't be! I mean it felt just like yesterday when Mother would always sing bedtime lullaby and bedtime stories for me to sleep.

When I snatched the photo from the wall, all pleasant memories I'd with her came reverberating  in my head.

THE DE' COSTA Twins ~ Book 1 (currently editting...) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora