Chapter 10: interogation

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Laggardly Nodding my head, I approached my feet to the floor but just as I was about to stand, Antonio's voice brought me to a vault

"Don't stand." He sounded almost commanding. I frown in confusion but his next statement that followed clarified my thoughts. "You can't walk"

"Liam" he twirled to face Liam. "carry her."

What... huh?

What does he mean to carry me? My eyes popped out in shock. I threw a gander at everyone and I expected to meet shocked faces too but they were all In their normal faces. As if it was a casual thing.

"Alright, bro." Liam nodded and before I could gather my thoughts, he had lifted me from the bed like dry leaves. Carrying me in a bridal style, he starts trailing behind Antonio.

The journey to Antonio's office felt like an eternity of torture.

The knowledge of Being in someone's arms was pricking my skin like maggots and I felt a sense of relief when we finally arrived at the office I almost snapped when Liam gently sat me down on some chair.

For God's sake, I'm 15 years old. How could they be treating me like a baby?

The panic I once had come rushing back when Antonio sat before me on his swivel chair the moment Liam left.

"So..." finally after torturing me with his soul-piecing gaze for like forever, he spoke. "I called you here for us to discuss a lot of things but first off let me brief you on the doctor's report"

Oh no... this isn't going to end well.

You have a gastric ulcer. And You have lacerations, and sores at different areas of your body which due to delayed treatment has resulted in bacteria entering your blood streams."

He paused not batting an eye at me.

Saliva gathered in my saliva ground and I swallowed.

Jess This is why I'd always try to avoid hospitals.

Those bloody monsters know how to invade someone's privacy.

"What happened to you, Clarissa?" That question came like a bomb.

What does he mean by that?

I opened myself to say anything that could come out of it "No...Nothing."

"Don't even dare lie to me." His voice was dangerously calm. "If You were to have been suffering just one, from all those ailments I've listed maybe I would have bought that. But all those ailments embedded in one body?

Not to mention a teenager?
those scars, the lacerations they couldn't just generate all of a sudden and don't expect me to believe they were accidents, someone certainly must have had a hand in it. I may not be a doctor but bipolar disorder results from depression. Why the heck would you be depressed in the first place?" With the fire flaming in his eyes, I could tell it was taking all in him to remain calm.

"Who were your family?" He growled, eyes shooting daggers like someone ready to kill. "and What did they do to you??"

I knew it would get to this point but can I tell him about my life with my brothers? I know he's my brother and family shouldn't keep secrets but I barely know him and perhaps I'd already dealt with so much trouble. I can't accommodate any.

"They did nothing." I bowed my head to avoid his gaze "I...I was depressed because...well, I lost my motivation for what I loved doing."

Clarissa? is that the best you can come up with?

"And What's that?"

"Painting." That was what popped out of my head and I hoped Antonio bought that

"Do You know the one thing I hate most in the world?" Antonio suddenly asked.

THE DE' COSTA Twins ~ Book 1 (currently editting...) Where stories live. Discover now