Chapter 28: SISTERS TIME, Shall we?!

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I was sitting beside Rachael driving off to god knows where. That's not really a problem but the way she's been speeding on the road, recklessly breaking all the road rules like she's going to get us killed made so much uneasy.

"Fuck you bastard. Shove the fucking law into your Goddamn ass" that should be the sixth driver Rachael is yelling and cursing at, even after scratching his car.
"Rachael please Slow down a bit" I cautioned Rachael for the untempt time.

"And What's the fun in that?" Rachael snaps at me then scoffed.

"THIS IS MY BROTHERS CAR. I DRIVES ANYHOW I WANT" she screamed out through the window.

She shuffled music on the Media player and settled for some particular trap song. She increased the song to the highest volume, singing along with the lyrics, more like screaming. Tripling the speed of the car, she was now flying on the road. She seemed to be enjoying herself while me I was crushing with nervousness thinking she'll either get us killed or get us in trouble.

Not wanting to ruin the moment for her, I tried adapting to the 'fun' as she qualified. I let myself relax. Even though I didn't know some of the songs, I nods my head to it. Feed my eyes with view of the road that was rushing by us. I soon began seeing the fun in it as she upgraded to a zigzag driving. I've never drives with anyone before except mom taking to me to school. this sure was fun. I found myself cheering for Rachael and we were getting along pretty well.

After spending eternity on the road, Rachael finally pulled over at some building. 

Honestly I was marveled at her driving skills, despite being all reckless she didn't get us killed though we nearly  into trouble with road traffic officers which she cursed at.

"Wow you are such a skillful driver Rachael" I complimented, amazed.

"It's okay. I've been driving since 13 so..." she chuckled and shrug.

When we got out of the car, i realized  she'd brought us to the mall.

"Rachael why would we come here. We already shopped more  than enough wears with our brothers before"I said to her.

"Yeah as you said. With our brothers not us alone. Beside Antonio gave us enough money to buy whatever we want right?" She said with a shrug and held my wrist. "Now Sisters time!! Are you ready?" She cheered and I replied with a soft chuckle before proceeding into the mall.

Inside the mall was spacious and screamed expensive. As I anf rachel were moving about, we got funny stares from almost everyone. Probably amused with our striking resemblance. I didn't focus on that anyways. Rachael kept getting different bags, clothes and shoes.

I intends to shop a little even though I don't  need cause I didn't want to squander my brothers money but Rachael I shouldn't ruin the fun and for once behaved like a teenager. I freely joined her to purchase different stuffs as much as we can. We had shopped three big bag each at the end.

The cash Antonio gave us wasn't enough so Rachael made use of the ATM to complete the balance.

I had so much fun with Rachael at the mall. After changing to different outfits we bought, we settled on a carton color pinafore with black  sweat shirts inside. Same out fit.
Now Rachael told me we were going another place. I happily obliged.

Few minutes of reckless drive along the road, we pulled over before a cracked up building.
Looking closer at the building, it looked so familiar and... it  gave me an eerie feeling. Still trying to remember how I'd been in this place, we both walked out the car.

Inside me I was burning with dread and nervousness but I tried to be brave for Rachael. I don't want to be a joy killer as she qualified.

As if noticing my Change of mood, racheal asked if I was alright. I nodded my head. She then told me we were at a PlayStation. Her favourite PlayStation.

THE DE' COSTA Twins ~ Book 1 (currently editting...) Where stories live. Discover now