Chapter 38: Letting down his guard

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I flickered my eyes opened and sprung up from the floor, mom did too. I gasped at the shocking sight I saw, first Luca was on the ground blood oozing out of his head and then I looked up to meet two of my brothers.
Jayden and Antonio.

What the hell?! How did they...

bang! Another gun shot.

That was when I noticed the gun on Antonio's hand, he was pointing it at Luca who was in his pull of blood. For the first time, I could say Antonio look more like a beast than Jayden, thought Jayden eye was red too but Antonio was... just wild and scary.

My mother gasped as he shoot again while I winced, he didn't stop. He keeps shooting, Luca was jingling on the floor and his skull was scattering everywhere.

The ugly sight was traumatizing and horrible, I've never witness a blood bath before and to think my brother is actually killing someone in cold blood made it more horrible.

I suddenly couldn't breath, my hands were shaking, my heart beating, I was feeling weak in the kneel. "Stop!!" I couldn't hear my own voice. I closed my ears to the gun shot.

"Please stop it" I whispered shakily.

I kept telling Antonio to stop but he didn't, he kept shooting non stop, blood was everywhere. I felt hands holding me but it felt like I was in another world, I was panting heavily and shaking.

I was hearing angry voices but couldn't get a sense of what's going on anymore... I've never been this terrified all my life.



"Clarrissa" multiple voices was calling my name but I was too absolved in my fearful fantasies, fearing for my life, fearing Antonio and even this moment. I didn't want to come out of my trance because I might just die.

Jayden's P.O.V,

I never knew clarrisa had strong effect on me until I've to stay apart from her for just few days. I know I'm not really a fan of her sulking all the time being unnecessary scared but I came to realize those are the reasons why I'd miss her so much.

There was no one to cuddle around or pet to calm down. Sometimes her attitude makes me smiles but I just didn't show it, the only thing I could do was transfer everything into anger.

Well let's say at first I was being angry at her for real because I just didn't know how to handle her and it was hurting badly that my sister was being scared of me but slowly I grew use to it and fond of her, yes I didn't show it because I didn't want anyone to know how much I adore her, that might put her in danger.

I've many enemies and I don't trust any of my gang members, my brothers may trust them all but not me and should they suspect I loves clarrisa so much they might rat her out to my enemies and use her against me.

I love Racheal too but she's sure smart and strong, but clarrisa is an easy target in the mafia.

Honestly I've fought the urge to not disobey Antonio and go see her, I've brought up the topics several times with Antonio but he keeps telling me, we will go bring her when the time is right and he assures me that she's safe because he have men keeping tabs on her.

Even at that, I later made a resolution to go see my baby sister, the thought that she's in danger kept creeping around my skin like maggots and I guessed same for Liam and Mattoe who keep pressing to go bring clarrisa back but Aside from the fact that I've been madly occupied with work at the company, I soon realized it was wise to stay clear from clarrisa because some of our enemies were already throwing us red signals.

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