Chapter 61: Cigerrete?!

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I'm really sorry again. It's coming late.
Note: Unedited

Clarrisa's POV,

It's been two weeks now since our mother's burial
My brothers aren't often home anymore except Racheal and liam on some occasions.

That's when they aren't in school. Everyone went back to normal life so soon while me I was hurting in silence.

I just couldn't get over mother death. I swear I tried but staying alone at home, just makes it worst . It gave me enough space to dwell on how much I had really wanted to see mother, everything Antonio had told me about her and all over again the terrible news of her death dealt with me mercilessly.

The fact there was no one to share it with according to Antonio's advise made me carry the burden inside and dies in silence.

Well, let's say sometimes Liam is around but I never brings up the topic because I didn't just  want to bother him with my burdens.

Liam is back to his usual self. happy and lively. I didn't want to ruin it so I kept silence.

However I wanted to help myself to overcome the underlining depression and that made me  to start  googling methods on how to overcome.

Most of the stuff Antonio told me were repeated on the results but what appeals to me most was smoking.

I had never smoked before but I made up my mind to try it out. Just once— was what I promised myself. I'll take it just once and I hoped it helped.

Once again, When I was the only one at home, I searched my brother's room if I would find some but I didn't.

Eventually I found a wrapped cocaine in mattoe's locker.

I heard people uses drugs to numb pains so I decided to try it out.

The drugs however remains untouched for days, because each time I wanted to sniff it, I'll reflect on how my brothers could react when they gets to find out.

But today, I finally made up my mind. Beside no one would find out right? I was the only one at home.

I sprayed the substance on the table and then sat on the floor close to the table. After hesitating for a while, I finally dabbed my nose on it and sniffed in a good amount. I felt the stuff ran straight to my brain. I almost sneezed but I didn't. The first feeling I received felt... felt euphoric.

I took another sniff. Raise my head up to let it settle down. Instinctively, I tapped my head twice. After sniffing for like fourth time, I felt like I was in another world and that urge me to keep on sniffing.

Wow... drugs is this refreshing?! Guess I'd been missing a lot...

I was still Doing my shit when all of a sudden, I heard the door creaked open.  my head was just right on the substance on the table.

Fuck me! How the hell didn't I lock the damn door?!

"Clarrisa I got you..." the exciting voice paused and suddenly screamed. "Bloody hell."

My heart skipped three beats at the realization that I've been caught off guard.

Taking my gaze to the door, I was more devastated to be met with Liam's astonished look and he  was walking towards me in a rush. He was on his school uniform signifying that he'd just gotten back from school.

I didn't even know what to do at that moment cause I was shocked, confused and terrified. Infact in the pit of oblivion.

Liam dashed   his bag to the bed and immediately came to bring up to my feet with his hands holding my shoulders.

THE DE' COSTA Twins ~ Book 1 (currently editting...) Where stories live. Discover now