Artistic Attempts

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You walk out of your room behind Dan, adjusting your hair slightly. You both walk to Phil's room. His door is open, and Dan walks in. You hang back a bit, not wanting to intrude completely.

Phil is sitting on his bed, typing on his laptop. He looks up when you come into the room and smiles.

"Are you busy?" Dan asks somewhat bluntly.

"I'm just sorting through my emails, but apart from that I'm not very busy. Why?" he replies.

"Do you want to film a video with me and Y/n? We did one on mine and hers, so we thought we could do one for your channel," Dan says.

Phil looks at you both and smiles again, closing his laptop and setting it on his bed.

"Sure!" he agrees. "What were you thinking of?"

"Maybe a challenge sort of thing? I was hoping you'd have some ideas," Dan admits with a sheepish laugh.

Phil furrows his brow and thinks. There are a few moments of silence as you all brainstorm.

"I bought some new pens yesterday," Phil finally says. "We could try to draw each other?"

Dan nods. "That would be fun. Oooh, how about drawing with our eyes closed?"

You nod. "That's a good idea."

"Awesome! I'll just get everything set up and we can start," Phil replies, getting off his bed and turning on the light boxes. He starts writing on small pieces of paper too, folding them up and placing them in a bowl.

When Phil has finished setting up, he gestures for you both to sit down beside him on his bed. Once you're all in the frame, he starts recording.

"Hey guys!" he says cheerfully, waving at the camera. "Today I'm joined by my best friend, Y/n! Oh, and Dan's here too," he says, gesturing to each of you in turn.

Dan makes a crying face for a few seconds, making you and Phil laugh. Then he returns to his normal expression. "Hello Internet!" he says with a salute.

"Hey there!" you introduce yourself, smiling broadly. You can't believe that is actually happening.

"Today," Phil continues, "We're going to be attempting to draw things with our eyes closed. In this bowl-" He pauses to hold it up. "-There are a variety of different people and objects, which we are going to try to draw without looking."

Dan makes an intrigued "oooh" sound, rubbing his hands together mischievously. Then he holds up his finger. "I'd just like to add- me and Phil are pretty awful at drawing, as I'm sure some of you know, so don't expect masterpieces."

Phil nods in agreement, then turns to you. "How would you rate your drawing skills, Y/n? On a scale of stick men to Van Gogh."

You chuckle, thinking about it. "I'd say I'm probably a solid (ten year old/talented art teacher/Da Vinci)."

Dan nods, stroking an imaginary beard. "Well, we'll see!"

"Okay..." Phil mumbles to himself, reaching down to the floor where a stack of paper and a pile of magazines lies. He hands you both a magazine to lean on and a few sheets of paper, taking some for himself too. "Who wants to go first?" he asks, holding the bowl out.

"Should the youngest go first?" Dan suggests. He looks over to you, as does Phil.

"How old are you, Y/n?" Phil asks curiously.

Dan opens his mouth to reply for you, which you smile at.

"Twenty one," you reply with a grin, looking at Dan and nudging his side with your elbow. "Stalker."

Never Let Go - Danisnotonfire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now