Waffles and Horror Movies

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"I'll cook!" Phil shouts from the kitchen.

You walk in and sit on the worktop (or counter). "What are you gonna make?" you ask.

"Honestly, I have no idea," he says, shrugging.

You laugh and begin opening the cupboards to see what stuff you have.

"It would be useful if you knew what food we have," you say, grinning at him.

"Yeah, probably..." he replies quietly. He scratches his chin distractedly and watches you.

​"I guess it's pancakes again!" you conclude, pulling out some flour, sugar, eggs and milk.

"Okay!" he says, grinning and measuring out stuff.

You walk into the living room and jump onto the sofa.


You get up quickly, and see Dan on the sofa, with a pained expression on his face. "Oh my gosh, Dan, are you okay?"

"Yep... you just hit me in the... uh... sensitive areas," he looks at you and grimaces.

You blush with embarrassment. "I'm so sorry! I'm such an idiot. I shouldn't really be jumping on sofas..."

"You can jump on sofas, that's fine by me, but just look before you leap. And you're not an idiot," he says, smirking at you.

"Are you okay now?" you ask, looking down at your feet.

"I'm fine," he reaches for your hand and pulls you onto the space beside him.

You smile at him, butterflies rising in your stomach.

He leans in and connects his lips with yours. You close your eyes and put your hands on his chest. He puts one arm on your waist.

After a moment you both pull back for air, your heart thudding.

You could feel Dan's beating fast too. He laughs and puts his free arm around you.

You snuggle into him and listen to his heartbeat.

"Paaaaannnncakes!" Phil calls from the kitchen.

You detach yourself from Dan gently, then run to the kitchen.

"Omnomnom," you say hungrily, watching Phil serve up two pancakes onto your plate. He also grabs a waffle from the microwave and gives it to you.

"Oooh! Thanks!" you say happily.

Dan comes in, his stomach rumbling. "Oops. Excuse me," he says, grabbing a plate.

You chuckle at him and go back into the living room. "Can we watch a horror movie?" you ask. You feel in a horror movie mood.

Dan, somewhat reluctantly, agrees. He puts on Silent Hill. You settle down to watch it.

*le time skip*

When it finishes, you look at Dan's face, then at Phil's. Phil doesn't look that bothered, but Dan looks absolutely terrified. He catches you looking at him and clears his throat.

"Well, that was eventful," he says.

"Yeah," you reply, smirking at him. "Were you scared?"

"No. Of course not," he replies, stuttering a bit.

"You're such a bad liar," you point out, rolling your eyes.

He smiles at you. "And you're very observant."

You yawn. "I'm gonna go to bed. Bye!"

Dan takes his arms from around you and gives you a small wave as you stand up. "Sleep well."

Phil gives you a small smile. "Night."

*le time skip*

You turn off your laptop and the light. You lie down and drift off to sleep, dreaming of pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows (because why not? :P)

You're startled awake by a scream. You struggle with the duvet to get into out the air again. You peek your head over the top, looking around your dark room.

"There are no such things as ghosts. There are no such things as ghosts," you whisper to yourself.

Then again, it might be Dan or Phil who made the noise. You get up, walk out into the hallway and listen carefully.

You hear heavy breathing and see a light from Dan's room. You open the door quietly.

Dan is sitting up, drenched in sweat and breathing hard. His eyes are wide, and he looks like he's going to cry.

"Nightmare?" you ask softly.

"Yeah," he replies, his voice dry and quiet.

You close the door, walk over to his bed and climb in. He lies back down and lets out a sigh. You put your arm across his chest and nuzzle into him.

He buries his face in your hair and starts breathing normally again. You smile, peck him on the lips and close your eyes.

A/N: Nearly 400 votes?! Wow... Thank you soooooooooooooooooooo much ^.^

P.S. I really should be revising... My exams start in two days :(


Bye bye!

P.P.S. I'm going to the Amazing Tour is Not On Fire! EEEEEEP! :D

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