Heart-to-Hearts in a Cupboard

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You smooth down your dress in front of the mirror, hoping it'll be okay for Zoe's party. You haven't been to a party in a while so you're a bit rusty on knowing what to wear.

You lean closer to the reflective glass to look at your eyes, which still sting from the crying but aren't too red, fortunately. You decided to skip most of the eye makeup you would usually do for a party, seeing as the area around your eyes is more tender than normal.

Earlier, after you told Dan you wanted to go the party anyway, you decided to tell Phil about the phone call. His reaction was similar to Dan's. He gave you a long hug and assured you that you didn't have to go to Zoe's party if you didn't want to. You consider yourself very lucky to be barely known by these people, but cared for so deeply.

You look at your options of shoes to wear and pull on some black ankle boots to complete your outfit. You may feel like a pile of steaming rubbish, but you can make an effort to look nice and in turn feel more confident.

There's a knock on your door. You tell them to come in, and Phil opens the door. He smiles warmly at you.

"Are you ready to go?" he asks. "The taxi should be here in about 5 minutes."

"Yep," you reply with a small smile, picking up your small backpack and slinging it onto your shoulders.

Phil hesitates. "Y/n... Dan and I are really worried about you. You don't have to go tonight. We can all stay in and watch a film or something, if you'd like."

You shake your head firmly. "I think I'll just cry if we stay here, I need to get out. Maybe seeing your friends will cheer me up a bit?"

"Okay. Well, if you ever want to leave at any point, let us know, okay?" he insists.

"I will," you reply.


"I promise, Phil."

You meet Dan in the hallway after you leave your room. He's leaning against the wall, wearing a white shirt and black jeans, with a blazer over the top. He scrolls on his phone, looking up when he hears you walk towards him.

"Hey!" he greets, not-so-subtly looking you up and down. He catches himself and clears his throat. "You look great." He smiles, putting his phone in his pocket.

"Thanks," you reply, returning the gesture. "So do you."

Phil appears, offering a small smile to you both. "Hey. Are you ready to go?" he asks Dan.

"Yup," he replies. "Should we wait outside?"

"Sure!" his friend answered, turning to you. "Is that okay with you, Y/n?"

You nod and pull your coat on, knowing it'll be chilly outside. You admit that it would be cute if you were too cold and Dan offered you his jacket, but you're not about to make him suffer just because of your romantic idealisms.

Once you're all outside, Dan locks the door and puts the key in his pocket. Shortly afterwards, the cab arrives.

You get into the black taxi, closely followed by Dan and Phil. Dan tells the cabbie the address and he drives away.

"So, where you goin' the night?" he asks, chewing his gum.

"A party at a friend's house," Phil replies. "What about you?"

He immediately realises his mistake and shuts his eyes, seemingly willing himself to disappear.

"Have you got any plans for the weekend?" Dan quickly interjects before the taxi driver can answer. He looks over to Phil and smiles.

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