When Life Changes (Part 1)

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"Man! Where did you learn that move?" Mariana yells at Bird from across the court. The two are playing basketball at their school gym, PS 157. Bird, the only girl on the basketball team, is rather excited and wishes she could tell Stef.

Bird knows she can't risk it, no matter how much she wants to talk to the cop she really likes.

It wasn't that Bird was trying to be mean, but the last thing she wanted was to be placed in foster care again and end up in an even worse home than she was already in.

The little girl loved her mother so much, and she really didn't want her to end up in jail, dead, or get arrested for the drugs. It had happened one too many times, and lucky for Bird, Social Services had all but lost track of her, considering La Donna didn't know how to stay in one place.

"That cop showed me. Stef."

"The one you ran from? She plays ball?"

"YUP!! She's really good too! I saw her kick her brothers behind, and then she showed me." Bird says, dribbling the ball and taking another shot, and Mariana sucks on her lollipop, feeling rather intrigued. "But she probably is gonna arrest me now for running."

"Maybe not. Maybe you can tell her about Randy, and she'll toss him into jail. He's scum shit." The girl says, grabbing the ball, dribbling it herself, and tossing it back to her friend. Bird bounces the ball around her legs like Stef taught her and has been practicing it for the last few days. "I'm sure she'd love to know you made the team."

"Bird, I don't think she's gonna put you in jail for running and not going to school. Do you know how much school my brother missed? Dumbo he is."

"Yeah, but my mama, she could. She could put her in jail."

"She's using still, huh?" Mariana asks, and Bird looks around and nods her head sadly. "Maybe she will know a good home for you until your mama gets better. You could ask her? Look, I'm sorry you can't stay with us. I asked a bunch of times." The little girl gently places her hand on Bird's shoulder, and the girl smiles.

"It's ok. Don't worry about it."

"I do. I worry about that fucker hurting you. Bad enough, he beats up on your mama, but you too. He needs to die. Like now." Mariana sucks her lollipop, and it turns her lips blue, and Bird looks at her laughing.

"Forget that. I'm ok. But they better pick you up next time so we can be on the team together! Because you play awesome, too, Magic!"

"Then you gotta show me your new moves!! Promise?" The girl flashes her pinky finger, and Bird wraps her around it.

"Promise." Bird smiles wide. The two head out of the school in the pouring rain and run as fast as they can, feeling free as birds.

The city was getting drenched and soaked, and parts were flooding. But the two nine-year-olds didn't care one bit. They jumped in the giant puddles, laughing and having a ball as they ran faster to their building.

Bird was just happy to feel like a kid once in a while because it was rare for her to do so, but she was quickly reminded as she unlocked the door to her apartment, having no idea that her life was about to change forever.



The ER was packed tonight, and after I had finished with all of my PT patients, along with Jennifer's and Callie's, Erin asked me if I could help out in the ER, assisting some patients with their forms and check-ins.

Despite being tired and looking forward to a nice hot bath, I had no issue doing so. However, I knew how overrun the ER was and would do anything to help.

A Time For Love (A Time For Love Series-Book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora