Visiting Work

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As Mike enters his old precinct in Harlem, he had not really planned on visiting this early. But the dreams he kept having about going back to work and the night of the shooting were really starting to take over. In some sense, he knew he was feeling anxiety about coming back, even if it was something he didn't want to admit fully, but he wanted to face it. He wanted to see how he would feel being back at his job, even if just for a second.

Walking in, he was greeted with a standing ovation and applause from his old buddies and friends. They were all relieved that Mike was okay because he was someone everyone on the force loved. He was a great cop, an all-around wonderful human being, and when the force got wind of what took place that night, everyone was heartbroken.

Being the man he was, Mike didn't think he deserved much praise, much less a standing ovation due to the fact that his sister was still going to struggle for a good amount of time, and that Tess had lost her life. Mike was struggling with the guilt that Bird had gotten injured as well, and just couldn't put to the side or forgive himself that he had not gotten there sooner. The tricky part was with Stef not remembering much about the shooting and Bird only recalling a little bit herself he had no clue how things really happened. No one did right now, but he felt awful about even being at his old job, knowing his sister might never be a cop again.

"Good to see you, Mikey! Real good!" One of the guys says as Mike smiles wide and shakes his hand along with a few other officers.

"You too, man. Nice to see you all and be here. It's really nice." He says as a few others catch him up on the work gossip as he can't help but look over at his old desk that sat right next to his sisters and Tess. Part of him was surprised that nine months later, they still sat empty but were filled with what looked like cards, an assortment of flowers and balloons. All of it makes his heart break as he excuses himself and walks over.

Standing at his desk for what feels like hours, his mind remembers that last day. His sister's birthday when they were all supposed to go out for drinks to celebrate and to have a fun and relaxing night. Instead, they got stuck with overtime, overtime none of them wanted or ever planned on doing if they had not gotten forced into it.

Picking up one of the photos on his desk of him, Tess and Stef, he stares hard at the two women that were so deeply in love as he hears a familiar voice.

"Michael Foster, I am so glad to see you. You look wonderful." He looks up seeing his Captain as she smiles at the man and pulls him in for a hard hug. The stern woman was not the most warm and fuzzy person, nor was she soft, but Captain Roberts was very protective of her cops and what happened with Mike, Stef and Tess had killed her. She was also struggling with her own guilt over the entire thing as well considering she had put them out on the street that night after being very short staffed.

"Cap! It's great to see you too. The room feels the same. Got that old coffee smell." They both laugh as she nods her head smiling.

"Wouldn't have it any other way. I'm so glad you came by today. Please come into my office so we can catch up a bit. If you can stay?"

"Oh yeah, sure. Sure." Mike says using his cane to help him stay steady as Cap motions for him to take a seat by her desk as she closes the door and sits down herself.

"Mike, you do look wonderful. Even better than when I saw you a few weeks ago around Thanksgiving. But please tell me. How are you feeling? Did you get released from the hospital much sooner?"

"You know I'm feeling pretty good, Cap. I'm happy to be out earlier and getting around the city again. I'm still in PT and OT, getting my strength and everything back. Readjusting to society." He smiles as she nods her head.

"I'm glad to hear that Michael, and you are receiving counseling?"

"Yes, Cap. Most certainly. I want to be able to process what happened and...ya know get back to work." He says in a serious manner as the dark skin woman with the short mini afro listens intensely for she wanted Mike back at work, but only if he was well enough to do so.

"I'm glad to hear that, Michael. You always have a home with the NYPD, always. And in my department."

"Thanks. That is good to know." He says, playing with his fingers as Cap stares hard at him briefly.

"How is Stef? How is she holding up?"

"Ah, she's alright. Doing well, I'd say. Learning to walk again and do basic things. She's a strong woman, Cap."

"Very, she's one of my best officers, and I was always proud to have her in my precinct. We took a hit, all of us did when this happened, and Michael, I can't even begin to imagine how you feel or how Stef feels. Her and Tess made wonderful partners. God bless her soul. She was a good cop too."

"She was." He says as Cap shakes her head, remembering the day of Tess funeral.

"Mike, you know I'd love Stef back here at work. I really would, but her recovery is what is most important right now, and I can imagine how restless she is."

"She is. She can't get better fast enough, Cap." He laughs as Captain Roberts smiles. "A ball buster."

"Well, that is nothing new. I'd love to stop by and visit her if you feel that is okay. I briefly stopped by when she was in the ICU and one time after, but that was a bit ago."

"Of course. I'm sure she'd love to see you. She remembers you. She doesn't remember much about being a cop but she does remember you. We are hoping that with her being home and out of the hospital, that more will start to come back."

"Stef is the kind of person that doesn't let anything stop her. Nothing. Even science." They both laugh as Mike nods his head in agreement. "But Michael, she will be taken care of. I don't let me cops just fade out like that, and I also don't turn by back on them. I understand her injuries are well, life changing. And that she may never remember much, or physically be able to be a cop again. But, I will never turn my back on you or her. This is your home and hers for when the time is right. Now, you still have some healing to do yourself, and as much as I want you back here, I want to make sure you are fully ready, even if I am just putting you on desk duty."

"Of course, Cap. That is something I understand and agree with fully. Taking care of myself. I promise you that."

"I know you are. And if you need anything, I mean anything I want you to tell me. It is not easy to return here when you have lost a friend in the line of duty and with your sister being hurt. So when you do come back, I will be checking in with you. All the time. I may seem like a hard ass, and well I am, but I care about my cops."

"Thank you. I really appreciate that, and I will let Stef know you want to visit. I'm sure she'd love to see you, Cap." He says as the woman nods her head but continues to stare at the man.

"I know Stef and I have not always seen eye to eye, but we miss all of you, Michael. And even if I'm glad that the men who did this to you all are no longer with us, I hate that it happened. But you are a wonderful cop, and I know you don't think you deserved that standing ovation you got, but you do. You and Stef do, as well as Tess. So, do not go thinking you do not. I won't have that kind of thinking."

Mike can't help but laugh now as Cap looks at her watch. "Enough about that. How about we grab some lunch. Does that work for you?"

"Sure sounds good, Cap. But, my treat." He says slowly, getting up as Captain Roberts shakes her head.

"Absolutely not. And you should already know not to fight me on this one. Now let's go. There's a new Cuban restaurant I've been dying to try." She says as Mike laughs, knowing all too well not to fight the woman.

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