I Need Air

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"Lena, I...I gave a message to your friend that I didn't want you to see me like this, honey." My uncle Alvin says as I had snuck down to the floor to visit him yet again. With Thanksgiving approaching in just a day, I wanted to lay eyes on him despite the fact that I knew it was going to be heartbreaking. And it is.

"Uncle Alvin, my friend gave me the message, but did you really think I'd listen?"I say gently, grabbing his frail and skinny hand.

He looks at me sadly, tubes up his nose to help him breathe as his eyes appear larger than normal due to how skinny his face had become. It was difficult to look at him because I loved him so very much, and it was heartbreaking to see him looking worse than he did the last time I saw him. If that was possible considering it was just last week.

The decline of his health and his physical appearance are not only shocking but sad. I squeeze his hand as I wear surgical gloves once again, along with the surgeon scrubs, mask, and cap to go unnoticed.

"I wish you would have honey. But, it is nice to see you. Tell me, how......" He begins but soon starts coughing horribly as I quickly get up and hand him a glass of water that is next to his bed.

"Drink, don't talk. It's okay. It's okay." I reassure him as he slowly sips the water. It really seems as if this has taken the life out of him as I rub his back up and down feeling his bones and I try very hard to push how difficult this is out of my mind and brain.

"I'm okay. I'm okay, Lena." Nodding my head, I gently take the glass from him and sit back down, grabbing his hand once again.

"My lungs are not very good anymore. My organs are failing, honey. My kidneys are barely functioning and...my lungs..it's......"he beings coughing yet again as I move my chair even closer.

"Shh. Shh. Stop talking. You don't need to talk, Uncle. I just wanted to see you and say hi. Thought maybe you could use a friendly face in the midst of all this."

"You always were a sweet girl, Lennie." He smiles, some calling me by the nickname he gave me as a little girl. "Listen, honey, the truth is I won't be here much longer."

"Uncle, don't stay that. Don't put yourself in the grave."

"I'm....I'm not honey. But, it's the truth. Eventually, the body can't fight this off anymore, and I've made my peace with it. Evan passed not too long again as well."

"Oh, uncle Alvin, I'm so sorry. I'm so, very sorry." I lean in closer, rubbing his hand as he shakes his head.

"It's okay. He fought hard, honey. Listen to me, though. I want you to know what a ray of sunshine and light you always were in our lives. You made life worth living, and you were the daughter I always wanted. I do hope you know that, honey. And you will make a wonderful mother one day and wife."

Tears fall down my cheeks now as I nod my head at him, wanting to just cry endlessly right now, but I hold back and gently cup his cheek.

"And, you were like a second father to me. You taught me about the marvels of life, Uncle Alvin. You, no one else, and I will always love you for everything you have done for me from the time I was born. I don't know how I can ever repay you for how wonderful you made my life and how happy you made me as a kid. I love you so much, and I'm in the process of fostering a little girl."

He smiles warmly at me now as I can see his eyes growing tired and him growing weaker.

"That's amazing. She...she, she will be lucky. But Lena, I'm going to rest. I love you little, bug. I love you."

"I love you too, Uncle." I whisper, squeezing his hand gently as I watch him fall asleep rather quickly. My heart is truly broken right now because I knew he only had days to live, if that.

A Time For Love (A Time For Love Series-Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now