Ziti Pizza

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"Sometimes I remember that night. And it's scary." I hear Bird whisper as she is resting beside Stef on her bed, for we had not left this little girls side. She was still very scared, very upset, and had been waking up crying off and on for the past few hours. My heart was broken for her and regardless of what much of this staff felt about Stef, she was extremely patient with Bird, not to mention caring and attentive as I had even heard her sing a little.

I continue to listen to the two of them speak quietly as I lay in the chair in the dark room with just a few of Birds monitors beeping and the door ajar.

"Yeah, it's...it's.. okay, to be scared, honey. But, you... you are out of it. You... you are safe." Stef stutters speaking softly. "And, that...that won't happen again."



"I'm sad my Mama is dead. I am really sad. It's just really sad. She tried really hard to be off drugs, but she didn't know how. She wasn't a bad person. She just wasn't."

"I know...I know baby. You can..can be sad. I know she tried." Stef's voice cracks as Bird continues to sniffle, and I hear her cry a bit more. Over the past few months, I had learned a little more about Bird and more than anything I wanted to help her and let her know that life was going to be okay.

I felt terrible that it had been so very difficult for her, but I told her that life would not always be this hard or this painful, much like it had been her entire life so far.

A stable home life was foreign to her, that was obvious, and I knew fostering was a big move, but when I said it, it just spilled out of my mouth involuntarily.

I never really intended on having children right now, but my heart almost spoke for me, and the way Birds face beamed made me realize I was doing the right thing.

But, I knew she wanted to be with Stef more than anyone, and for me, that was understandable. They had developed such a deep bond over this horrible experience, one that that foolish nurse who said Stef was a danger had no idea about. I didn't believe for one minute that Stef would be cruel to her, ever. And if anything, Bird might make Stef try harder at getting better and maybe start to believe in herself again.

Right now was a prime example, for even if Stef treated me and the rest of this hospital like utter shit even her brother, it was obvious that this little girl seemed to bring something out of Stef that none of us could.

She brought out kindness, and Mike told me this little girl allowed him to see glimpses of what Stef was like prior to her injury. I can only imagine what she was like, and maybe one day we would all see it again.

Sitting up, I hand Stef a tissue as she struggles a bit to take it. I move closer to make it easier for her as she grabs it and gently wipes Bird's cheek. I turn the little side table light on, figuring by this time Bird was possibly hungry. We all were probably.

"You want something to drink or eat, honey? I can get you anything you want." I ask as she remains resting on Stef.

"No. I am okay, Lena. My stomach is hurting a bit."

"Yeah? I can get you some gingerale. But I think a little bit to eat would help too. I'll get you anything you want to eat, honey. We can all eat together." I whisper, taking a seat back down and pulling my chair closer to the bed as she shakes her head some.


"Eat, eat a little. I will, too. How, how bout pizza?" Stef asks as Birds eyes grow big, and I laugh.

"I can get that. I can run and get pizza for all of us." I say as Bird looks rather hesitant but looks right into Stef's eyes.

"You, you like the ziti one? Ri....right?" Stef stutters, but her voice is calm and soft as I watch her gently rub Birds hand.

"You remember! You remember, Stef. I did! That's what I had that day when you took me to get pizza after I ditched school. Do you remember? Do you remember that's what I got?!"

"Um.. little. A little."

I smile, seeing how happy Bird is as she hugs Stef warmly.

"Well, pizza with ziti on top it is!" I say as I quickly grab my coat to pick the pizza for the three of us.

Thankfully, being we are in Manhattan, there is a pizza palour on every block as I head back upstairs to Birds room, seeing her and Stef laughing and talking. It was nice to witness as I set up the plates and put on the basketball game tape I had gotten for Bird a few months ago. It never seemed to get old for her as I noticed Stef seemed rather troubled at times. Almost as if her mind was remembering things, and when she would catch me looking at her, she'd glare and quickly turn her attention back to Bird.

Like me, Stef was probably relieved that Bird seemed to be okay for the moment. But the news that she received of her mother being found dead, that was an extremely, extremely hard pill to swallow. How could it not be and I was aware that being her foster parent would be challenging. But, I loved this little girl, and she didn't deserve any more heartbreak in her young little life.

Of course, it was no secret that she really wanted to live with Stef, and I completely understood that. But with me fostering her, I'd make sure she'd see Stef anytime she wished and regularly. That was a relationship I'd never take away from either of them.

I also didn't know how Stef felt about possibly fostering Frankie when she was better or if that was even her radar. She was still very much at the beginning of her treatment, and this could take up to a year. Possibly more if she didn't cooperate.

Plus, I wasn't sure how open she was going to be in regards to speaking about Birds future with me. But we would need to find a way to communicate without her losing her temper on me.

I was pretty sure by now that it was possible, and it almost seemed as if she picked and chose who she was nasty with.

"Do you.. Do you want more pizza, Bird?" I hear Stef ask as Bird nods her head. I quickly grab another slice for her as she happily takes it from me.

"What..what do you say, Bird?" Stef asks her as Bird looks at me.

"Thank you, Lena."

"You're welcome, baby. Stef, can I get you more?" I ask, smiling at her as she looks right at me again.

"No, no thanks."

"Well, I must tell you both. I've seen this video a few times, and I still have no clue how this game works!" I say as they both look at me, and Bird giggles. I even see amusement on Stefs face as I shrug. " Either of you want to explain to me how this game works? Or better yet, how about you show Stef how you can bounce a ball now, Bird."

Bird blushes now as I see Stef smile at her.

"I'm not good like before."

"That's, that's ok. I'd love to see. I would." Stef whispers as Bird smiles wide and nods her head.

"Okay. Why don't we all go to the gym after you finish your pizza, Bird. It's empty now anyway, and you could get a little more practice in." I say hoping to make this little girls' evening a little better and maybe spark a few more memories in Stefs brain.

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