Her Mother

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"She was a good girl and my only girl but I will tell you she wanted to live up here with her grandmother, here in the city from the time she was six. So I let her. I let her because she was so damm adamant about it and they were always close. Now, I can't help but think that was a big mistake." Anita, Tess Browns mother says as her and Mike are sitting beside each other in the women's room.

Sadly, Tess was now on life support as Anita Brown was left with the heavy burden and decision on what to do. Truth was she had not spoken to her daughter in almost a decade and barley knew anything about her. Yes, she knew she was a dedicated cop, but aside from that and from what her own mother had told her, whom had passed five years prior, she had no clue about Tess life or the person she had become.

"Ahh can't look at it that way. She might have become a cop one way or another. But she's a tough one that's for sure." Mike says looking back at the woman as he hands her a tissue trying to hold in his own tears. It had been another long week with his sisters condition not getting  any better or worse as they had done yet another surgery on her brain to relieve more pressure. It was still so hard to deal with it everyday and if he was honest he needed some fresh air and a change of scenery. Plus, he was tired of his Captain coming in almost every other day and asking if he remembered anymore information about the shooting.

Sadly, Tess had really taken a turn for the worst and both Mike and Anita Brown knew the odds were not in her favor any longer. Mike knew his friend, he knew her well and was pretty sure Tess wouldn't wanna live like a vegetable but at the same time he knew she was something that never gave up. Ever so a decision to take her off life support was no easy task for anyone.

"So your sister was her partner?" She sips her cup of water looking back at the cop as Mike nods his head.

"Yes, Stef. Her and Tess were close friends we all were from the time we were kids actually. They were really the best of friends and had each others backs out there. Even with that the job can be unpredictable depending on the call you get or someone just going crazy."

"And that night? Someone went crazy?"

"Yeah. Domestic violence call turned into a hostage situation. Just bad all around."

"Mm. I heard there was a little girl involved. How is she?" She asks looking back at Tess as Mike does the same and continuing to feel sick to his stomach for he was wondering if this was the last time he'd lay eyes on her.

"She's in intensive care too. Saw the whole thing."

"Terrible. The whole thing is and you have to wonder about people. I tell you this is a dangerous job you all have and it just is. I have no words for any of this, and I'm sorry about your sister Michael. I am sorry about all of it."

"Ms. Brown, we loved Tess all of us she was like a sister to me as well. Wasn't easy being a woman much less a black woman coming into this job. But, she was determined and made a name for herself and I tell you some of the men are dogs but she stood her ground. Always. And her and I were partners for a bit and she was tough. Even I didn't wanna mess with her." He laughs as the older woman smiles remembering Tess had a mouth on her always and never let anyone run over her.

"She's like her grandmother in that aspect. Always was a straight shooter. But Michael tell me, she had no one? No boyfriend or anything?"

"I mean she dated here and there but nothing concrete. She was kinda private about her romantic life so to say." He lies as the woman let's out a sigh for she had hopped her daughter would settle down and have children and a husband. But that had not been the case and it wasn't like Tess would have ever let Anita back into her life for their strained relationship was something Tess never really spoke of. To Stef maybe but even then it was rare.

"Well, you should get some rest. Nothing is gonna change here." Anita says her voice cracking as Mike gently places his hand on top of hers.

"She's a good person. One of the best." 

"Thank you." Ms. Brown nods her head as one of the nurses wheels Michael out, but he turns around taking another look at his friend for he knew Tess was gone and just being kept alive by machines, he did, and telling his sister one day would be no easy task for he himself couldn't swallow this pill. He just couldn't for she didn't deserve to die like that, she just didn't and he could only hope Stef would pull through and the little girl.

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