Tree Trimming Part 1

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"I like the other one, Lena." Bird says, pointing to the Christmas tree on the right that Lena was holding up. It was a rather chilly November day and a few days before Thanksgiving as the little girl sat in her wheelchair at the entrance of Lenox Hill Hospital while Duke stood beside her, freezing his buns off.

It had been a rather long and difficult week with Stef recovering and resting from her multiple seizures, and Lena had been trying to cheer Bird up the entire time.

Even Mike had tried, but it was challenging considering how much she loved Stef, and that was something everyone knew. But, with the blonde finally starting to feel a little better, Lena decided that it would be a great day to pick up the Christmas tree, and they could all decorate it together. She knew Bird was really looking forward to that, and maybe Stef would, too.

"I think Stef will like that one! I really do, Lena!" Bird grins even wider as she wears the new hat, gloves, and coat that Lena had gotten for her. The woman's foster care papers were still in the process of being evaluated and she would still need to take a few classes, along with setting up her new apartment, but Lena knew she could and would get it all done as quickly as possible.

"Good choice, honey. I like this one, too."

"It's better than that ghastly one you picked out prior, Lena." Duke says, glaring at the light skin woman. "And can you please hurry it up? It is VERY nippy and starting to snow heavier."

Lena can't help but roll her eyes as Bird giggles, something she really had not done all week.

"Okay, calm yourself. I'll get this one." Lena says as she quickly pays for the tree as the three quickly head inside, and Duke picks up a small hot chocolate for Bird.  The little girl was so eager to spend the afternoon with Stef that she was finding it rather difficult to hide her excitement. Lena couldn't help but smile as she watched Bird touch the tree while they all waited for the elevator, realizing it was possibly the first tree Bird ever had .

"I can't believe how cold it is outside! Do you know they are predicting a blizzard this Thursday? I mean so much for the parade!"

"Oh no, you think they will cancel it?" Bird asks as they make their way into the elevator, and Lena gently takes the little girls new hat off.

"I doubt it, honey. I'm pretty sure the parade will be happening. It takes a lot for them to cancel it." She says as Duke presses the number for their floor.

"Lena, are you going to be here on Thanksgiving? Mike said they are supposed to serve a big meal." Bird grins widely as the older woman smiles widely at her.

"I sure will, honey. I'll be here and bring some things that I plan on making. Some desserts and anything else you want. In fact, I was going to ask Stef and Mike what they want to. Would that be fun? Having dinner all together, honey?"

"YES! I never had a real Thanksgiving, Lena. Not that I remember anyway."

"Well, consider this one to be your first, and we will make it a great one for you." She says as they all head into Birds room, and Duke rests the tree against the wall as the little girl stares at it and looks back at Lena who can see the confliction on the young girls face. "What wrong, honey? Are you okay?"

"Lena, do you think we can put the tree in Stef's room instead? I'm okay without it in mine. But, I think her room should be the one we decorate.  Can we do that for her?" 

"I think that is an amazing idea. How about we go see if she is awake and bring everything to decorate with, and I'll order some pizza and pick up some cookies. Sound good?"

"Lena, you're so nice. Thank you."

"Aww, you're welcome, honey. This is going to be a fun day. Right? I know it's been a sad week for you, but today we are going to have fun. I promise."

"Yes, and, well, I want to try to walk to Stef's room. I know I can't walk fast and all, but I want to show her. I want to show her how hard I've been practicing. Can I Lena?" Continuing to hold the little girls hand, Lena smiles widely at her because it was true. She had been working very hard at walking, along with trying to play basketball with her hand with Mike's help.

"I think she'd love to see that, honey. In fact, I know she would." 

"Then I want to try. Will you help me?" The girl asks so innocently as Lena squeezes her little hand yet again.

"Of course I will, honey." Bird can't help but smile at the woman as she hugs her warmly, just being grateful she was in her life as the two slowly walk towards Stef's room, leaving the girls wheelchair behind as Duke carries the tree for them.

"You are doing so well, honey. Are you okay?"

"Yes. I'm okay. I can do it." She says as it takes them a good amount of time to reach the blondes room, and when they do, Lena can see just how tired Bird is and helps her take a seat in one of the chairs outside Stef's room.

"Rest here, sweetheart. I'm going to see how she is. Do you want to surprise her?"

"Yes, I do. I want too and I miss her so much."

"I know you do, baby. Wait here." Lena says as Bird nods her head, hearing quiet voices and who she believes to be Stef talking a bit. A wide smile forms on her face just from hearing the blonde as Lena comes outside, stretching out her hand to the little girl.

"Come, sweetie. Let me help you."

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