Lena's Plan

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As I storm into my apartment after quitting my job at Lenox Hill, I wasn't sure how I felt. Frustrated for sure, livid, and most certainly annoyed. Maybe my plan of treatment for Stef did violate hospital policy, and maybe it wasn't kosher, but in my opinion and in Mike's opinion, I had done nothing wrong. All I was trying to do was the best for my patients, especially Stef, but Adrian did not understand that each patient required something different.

The last thing I wanted to do was quit my job and no longer be Stef's therapist or Bird's. I could smack myself for being so impulsive in the moment. Clearly, I wasn't thinking, well, maybe I was when I said that I'd treat Stef and Bird myself because I meant that. I meant that because I could. But where? How? That part I had not thought through very much as I toss my bag down and grab a glass of water.

Sighing, I rub my forehead as I hear someone knock at my door, which makes my head pound even more. I actually needed to quickly pack a bag and head on back to the hospital to stay with Bird. Fortunately, even if I had quit my job, since I was her foster mother now, I am able to stay with her, and that would allow me to be present during all of her sessions. But, Stef? FUCK.

I hear the doorbell ring now, followed by banging as I slam my glass down on my counter and walk over to it.

"I'm coming! Hold on!" I yell, and as I look through the peep hole, I can see it's Duke holding a giant basket in his arms as I swing the door open.

"Lena, are you okay?! I brought you a fruit basket." He says as I look at him, very confused and shake my head, seeing the giant fruit basket now in his arms.

"A fruit basket? Okay, why?"

"I don't know. I eat when I'm worried. Are you okay? Are you darling? The entire floor is talking, that you flung your ID at Adrian and flipped the birdie at her, but I ceased all that rubbish. Especially when I ran into Nurse Erin, who told me you quit? What happened, honey?"

I roll my eyes as I step aside, letting him in as he takes a seat on my blue couch and I sit beside him.

"What happened? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just came home to pack a few things and head back to the hospital to be with Bird." I say, looking back at him as the worry doesn't leave his face. "But I did not fling my ID at Adrian or flip her the bird. I put my ID on her desk, and I quit. I quit because she was going to suspend me for 90 days."

"FOR WHAT? You make that PT department! Do they not see that, or are they blind? Who do they think took over all the patients when Callie kept calling out, or when people keep quitting?"

"Blind yes, but for taking Stef outside again and down the block." I sigh, grabbing a grape as he shakes his head. "Adrian and Nurse Donna still insist on me keeping Bird away from Stef and feel I'm too close to Stef."

"Oh, that is ridiculous. Mike is her proxy and said it was fine. And Bird is your little foster daughter, so what you say goes! Honey, you know what? I love you, Lena, and you are my best friend. You are that department, you know. And they gave you Stef because no one else could handle her, and no one else knew what to do with her. NO ONE, but you! And now look at her? You helped her so much."

"Thank you, Duke, but I should not have quit like that. I was so frustrated. I have a child to take care of now, I promised to help Stef, and I wasn't thinking. I wasn't thinking when I told Adrian I could treat Stef and Bird myself, I wasn't. Because where in the hell would I do that? Stef needs specialized equipment right now still.  Both of them still need OT and speech, and Stef is still learning basic schooling."

"Well, weren't you moving her in here anyway after the holidays? How did you plan on her having all those services then?"

"Well, Mike and I were taking care of it, but we still had some time to do that. I'm so foolish, Duke. Stef doesn't trust anyone else but me. But, I need to go back to the hospital and stay with Bird and talk to Stef and Mike." I say, standing feeling frustrated as Duke stands himself and grabs my hand.

"Lena, I may be going out on a limb here, but last time I checked your Uncle, Alvin left you his three bedroom apartment, which is just sitting there. And I did go look at it, and it's beautiful."

"You looked at it?" I ask, surprised.

"Yes, the day you gave me the mail key to get the mail from his place, I took it upon myself to see what he left you to clean up and get rid of and sort through.  Now, call me having no boundaries, but honey, there is nothing for you to clean out. It's just furniture, with photos hanging and decorated beautifully.  I wasn't being noisy, but I knew what your state of mind was, and I wanted to see what was there so that I could support you when you decided to go see it. And he left it in move in condition with nothing for you to go through. I mean nothing. I saw a stack of photo albums, but his clothes and everything were gone."

"Oh, oh." I take a seat back down as Duke sits beside me and grabs my hand.

"Turn one of those rooms into a PT room for Stef and Bird. Mainly Stef, and go get that equipment yourself. Stop feeling guilty for what that man left you. He loved you, and he told me so when I spoke to him. This is what he wanted because he knew you wouldn't just blow it. In the meantime, you are legally in charge of Bird so you can practically live in her room, and you can be there while she gets all her sessions. You can be one of those annoying parents we complain about." He says as I laugh now, wiping my tears. "And Stef, girl, just so you know, when I was on my way out, I found her and Mike and told them what happened. I mean, I didn't know the whole story, but I told them what I knew.  And she went right to Adrian. Her and Mike."

"I don't want Stef getting upset. I don't, and when I go back to the hospital, I will talk to her." I sigh as I feel him rub my hand.

"She's fighting for you, Lena. Believe me. She was in a fury when I told her. She wasn't angry at you, but she isn't dumb and knew they must have said something to you! But, I'm serious, Lena. Let's get the equipment. You planned on moving her in her anyway, and now you have a three bedroom apartment. And he left you money to live off. You do know that, right? Start your own business."

"Duke, I have a child. I mean, Stef and I have a child and I-

"Lena, stop making excuses. You said so yourself you can do OT and PT. We can find where to purchase the machines Stef needs. You have the money, believe me. I can talk to Mike and help him find someone who can help with schooling and speech for both of them. Now you can be home and not worry about taking a leave of absence. Even if you DO decide to work in a hospital again, there are many others. You are good, honey. So my advice is to go back to that hospital and watch Bird like a hawk and still be with your girl. Because she will raise HELL."

"My girl? I laugh, shaking my head.

"Yes. YOUR girl. She still terrifies the shit out of me! But with you and Bird, she's a marshmallow! So come, let's grab your bag and head back and get ready to move into that new apartment and set up YOUR own physical therapy! You got this, Lena Adams. You stood up for yourself and your patients. Uncle Alvin would be proud of you. He would." I look back at him as tears run down my face, and I nod my head. "You can do this Lena, you have it all right in front of you. I got you, too. You know this."

"Thanks, Duke. This is pretty crazy, but thanks."

"Anytime." He says as we both head out to Lenox Hill, and I embark on a journey I never planned in my life. But little did I know it would change my life forever in the most wonderful way.

A Time For Love (A Time For Love Series-Book 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن