Two Lives

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As Frankie made it up the elevator of her apartment building in Harlem, she had had a fun afternoon playing basketball with Stef. Originally, she was kinda terrified of the cop back at the corner store even if she had been nice to her and Mariana. But today, allergies are that fear went out the window as the woman taught her a few more basketball moves and encouraged her to try out for the school team even if there were no girls on it yet.

She was also happy that the woman didn't arrest her for skipping school and for stealing the chips for she could have if she wanted. For sure and Frankie had promised not to ditch again even if she knew she might. It was just something she did, especially since no one checked to see if she went, and many times, she did it to make sure her mother was ok at home.

Taking her key out, she unlocks her apartment door, and as usual, it is rather dark inside. That was typical if her mother wasn't well and on her "medicine" as the girl tosses her backpack on the ground and heads into the small kitchen to get a drink.

She wasn't too hungry since Stef had gotten her a slice of pizza, which she was grateful for as she opened the fridge seeing a carton of expired milk, some old Chinese, and a rotten apple Groaning, she slams the fridge shut as she heads to the back of the apartment to check on her mother.

"Mama, you home?" She calls out, walking slowly into the woman's bedroom as she quietly opens her door, seeing her pass out on the bed. She was happy to see that her mother's mean ass abusive boyfriend wasn't there as she stepped into the room, which is its usual mess. A needle and dirty spoon lay next to her mother as Frankie gently places her hand on the woman's back to see if she is breathing. "Mama, can I make you something? Anything?"

"Mm?" She hears the woman mumble into the pillow as she is stretched out nearly half naked and barely conscious.

"Can I make you something? Are you hungry, Mama?"

"Close the curtains. I'll be up soon. Real soon to make you dinner. Go on now."

"I played ball today, Mama. I even learned new moves. I think I'm gonna try out for the basketball ball at school and you can come to my games. If you want." Frankie continues whispering as the woman turns her head around, just wanting to go back to sleep. "But I think I'm gonna be a cop and a basketball player. I'm gonna be both Mama."

"Close the shades, Bird." She groans again as Frankie does as she asks and takes a blanket covering her mother with it for the apartment was rather chilly and her mother barely had anything on. Being the sweet girl she is, she softly kisses the woman's cheek as she heads out the room but soon hears her voice.

"Bird, I'll be up. Up real soon. I'll cook for you."

"Ok, Mama. Get some sleep." Closing the door behind her, the young girl knew her mother wasn't going to wake up anytime soon, and when she did, it would be to get more medicine, which she liked to tell Frankie it was. But the girl knew, she wasn't dumb and was very well aware that her mother was a Heroin addict, and that alone made her sadder then anything as she spent the rest of the evening cleaning the apartment and checking to make sure her mother was still breathing. But that had always been Frankie's life, and she didn't know any different, and she loved her mother no matter how hard she made her life.



"Babe, is that you?" I hear Tess call out as I walk into her cozy one bedroom Harlem apartment that damm near smelled amazing. After shooting some hoops with little Bird, who was a sweetheart, I treated her to a slice of pizza and walked her back home to her apartment building, which wasn't too far from here. Of course, she promised me she'd go back to school and no longer ditch, but I had my doubts. I really did, and I was well aware that Bird barely went and that most likely no one checked to see if she did or not based on how she spoke about her mother like she was hiding something. I didn't press her today, for I didn't want to interrogate the poor girl, but all signs were leading to a home life she was trying to avoid and one I'd figure out sooner or later.

"Yeah, love, it's me. Smells good in here!" Hanging my jacket up, I step into Tess's kitchen and see her stirring some pasta and meat sauce. It was one of my favorite meals as she smiled at me, and I couldn't help but wrap my arms around her very curvy waist as she turned to face me and softly kissed my lips.

"Didn't expect to see you here tonight. I thought you were working OT?"

"No, I skipped the OT tonight and thought we could hang out love. Maybe rent a movie?"

"What's the occasion?" She teases as I grab a beer from the fridge and pop it open as I lean against the counter, watching her continue to stir the pasta. "I know you have your personal goal money wise."

"Yeah, that I do, but I wanted to spend the evening and the rest of my day off with you. That a crime, my lady?" I wink at her, sipping my beer as she smiles once again at me.

"You eat Stefanie?"

"A while ago, I um had a slice of pizza earlier then showered and came back up here."

"Well, I made your favorite in case you stopped by. You and Mike have a good game?"

"Yeah," I set my beer down and gently grabbed her free hand as she looked right at me, for I could feel the elephant in the room once again," Love, I'm trying. I know I'm not good at expressing my feelings, but maybe I can move my stuff in a little at a time? I can leave some of my uniforms here and, and my other clothes and things. Tess, I do want to move in with you, and I know you said you understand, but I can't help but feel like I've hurt your feelings still."

Not saying a word, she turns the water off and grabs my hand, pulling me closer to her. Her eyes are dark as I look down at them, for I was a few inches taller than Tess. But that didn't mean much because she was a tough cookie and didn't fuck around as a cop. I felt she was tougher than me but she thought otherwise as I feel her play in my long blonde hair as she wraps her arms around my neck.

"I told you babe at the party that I understood. I'm not hurt, and I know you have a hard time expressing yourself. You always did honey and I wouldn't be with you if I didn't know that, and I know why you are like that. I know your childhood was hard baby, hell I was there and I see you struggling but trying." She rubs my cheek now as I softly smile at her. "I know you love me."

"Yeah, I do love you Tess. I always have."

"I love you too, and I always have too. Stefanie I'm not about pressuring you. I told you that. And you are an amazing secret girlfriend." She jokes as I smile wide at her once again.

"I'm an awkward girlfriend I feel."

"Not in bed you not." She grins at me as I blush and she leans in and softly kisses my lips again as I feel her fingers in my hair which is turning me on. "But I know there is more than just making love in a relationship but you aren't an awkward girlfriend. Ok? Infact you are the ONLY woman for me because I don't want nobody esle. I never did so I take you with all your hangups as long as you take me for all mine?"

"Please, you're a tough ass woman and cop Tess. I love all sides of you."

"Same with you. And you got a good heart and a big one. You will make a good mom one day."

"Me?" I laugh now as she continues to stare deeply into my eyes.

"Yes you honey. You will make a very good mom. AND I'm happy you came over even if I'm gonna play hard to get all night!" She teases again winking at me as I bite my bottom lip and run my hands down her backside for Tess never had to say much to turn me on.

"Wouldn't be you if you didn't now right?" I softly kiss and suck her neck now as she moans in my ear giggling.

"Mm what you gonna do, huh? Don't start something you can't finish now?"

"Oh, I'm gonna finish love. Believe me." I flirt heavily now which I can see turns her on as she grabs my hand leading me to her bedroom and we spend the rest of the night making very passionate love. This weekend I plan on moving in with her and renting my apartment out, even if I was rather hesitant, for I did love Tess deeply and I wanted to make her happy. More than anything.

A Time For Love (A Time For Love Series-Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now