Three Months Later

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"Brought your favorite sis. They had extra puddings today." Mike says as his nurse wheels him into his sisters room as he happily places the two puddings on Stef's lunch tray. But just like yesterday, and the day before and the day before that she looked at him blankly and turning her head a bit to glance out the window at a city she barely remembered.

It had been going on almost three months now since the shooting and even if Stef's condition had improved tremendously she was still considered to be rather critical. After a seizer just about three weeks ago she was put back on anti seizer medication but the doctors were still rather impressed with her progress. She could respond to simple commands, say one or two words, and she was no longer on a ventilator.  There were no more signs of swelling in her brain but she did need to continue to wear the helmet to protect it. Regardless Stef was being watched very carefully incase of any changes to her condition.

Mike wasn't surprised in the least about his sisters progress even if doctors had been very honest in terms of not being sure how Stef would be. He knew her and he knew she could beat the odds even when it seemed they were not in her favor, and right now she was still very lucky to be alive and making all the progress she was making.

But it went without saying she would need extensive help and therapy, and doctors were hoping she could start physical therapy in about a month or so depending on how things went. No one was really sure of the extent of her memory loss or brain injuries, but they knew she'd need to learn basic reading, writing, how to feed herself again, getting dressed and walking. Right now she needed help with every single tasks as a nurse would come in and help her eat but Stef was a horrific patient. Terrible and a few times she had flung the food out the nurses hand or off the tray. On one hand it was good she could use her right hand but at the same time not ideal for her to toss food and have such anger.

Mike had much more luck as it seemed Stef definitely remembered he was her brother  and would often let him hold her hand because she was scared, sad, terrified and she just didn't understand things right now.

Most of all she didn't understand what happened to her, as bits and pieces of the shooting would flash through her brain along with other nightmares, dreams and things she couldn't distinguish from reality verses not. Mike had shown her photos of herself as a cop, photos of them as kids, his parents but he didn't show her Tess just yet because they didn't want to overload her.  Stef had said her name a few times in her sleep and Mike just continued to hold her hand and rub it as tears would fall down his sisters face.

It wasn't that he wanted to keep Tess from her but the doctors and therapist weren't sure just yet how she would respond and the last thing they wanted was to add stress to her.

"Do you want some Stef? Gotta eat something. Nurse said you flung the oatmeal off the tray this morning." Mike says as Stef holds up one finger which indicates, yes even if she could talk a few words here and there which again was rather remarkable. "Progress, don't feel like talkin much today?"

Gently she shakes her head a tad but not too much for she still has the support of the neck brace, but her vision was not the greatest either for she had lost about 30 percent vision in both eyes.

"That's alright, maybe later." Mike smiles as he helps feed his sister with the use of his good arm. He had started physical therapy himself with a girl named Callie. So far he was doing great but he too would need alot of work and help over the course of the year and it was possible he would never fully be able to use his arm or leg like he use to which made the odds of him being a cop again rather slim. Still that wasn't his first thought right now because his sister was and that's all that mattered to him along with passing of their friend Tess two months ago.

The funeral for her had been beautiful as the entire NYPD had shown up to pay their respects to a lost officer.  But it was difficult and heartbreaking and Stef had no clue not one single idea of any of it. Mike hadn't been able to attend either because of his injuries at the time and it just made everything that much harder for Tess was like family to him and almost like a sister in law.  However, Lena Adams had attended to pay her respects to the young woman she knew nothing about but did at the same time and all of it just continued to make her sad. All of it.

"Getting warm out there sis. Maybe we will see the fireworks from the window here. Remember we use to watch them on the roof of Dad's building." Mike says feeding Stef another small spoon of pudding. She couldn't eat too fast, infact she had to eat very, very, slowly which frustrated her. "I'm sure it will be a nice show as usual. I'm looking forward to getting those chicken cutlet heroes down  at Vinney's again and I got a hero with your name on it. This hospital food is a drag, sis." He smiles again as Stef continues to taste the pudding as she now stares harder at her brother.

"Listen, it's a drag but ya'll be out of here soon enough honey and we can play some ball. But I gotta tell ya the Celtics didn't make the finals so you know you lost the bet. But,  I'll let it slide this time!" He laughs trying to feed her more pudding but she declines turning her head back to the window.

"No more? That's ok maybe later. But I um, I need to go to PT and I'll be back later ok? Try to be a good patient and be nice to the nurses. They are just trying to help." Mike gently grabs his sisters hand and squeezing it as he feels her squeeze it back as the nurse arrives helping him over to PT and leaving his sister to once again deal with her own thoughts and confusion.

Stef however was a tad more aware of things than anyone realized, even herself, as she drifted off to sleep for the rest of the day being completely  unaware of the little girl that had snuck downstairs in the middle of night in her wheelchair when the floor was quiet to see her. And no one had realized just how long she had been doing this.

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