No Thank You

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"I don't understand, I am my sisters medical proxy, and I gave Lena Adams permission to take her outside and around the block. I'm not sure why she is being punished for that. Her and I both agreed it would do my sister good and to help with her memory." Mike says as we had gone straight to Adrian's office after running into Duke in the hallway. We wanted to find out why Lena had quit because we knew damn well she wouldn't do that without a good reason.

To hear she was suspended for taking me outside, when Mike and both said it was fine, makes me livid. Beyond livid, and I just want to ring this woman's neck.

"I understand that, Mr. Foster, but we have rules here, and we warned Lena the first time this was against hospital policy. We have liabilities, and if anything happened to your sister, we would possibly be looking at a lawsuit . Lena quit on her own as I explained prior, and that I only suspended her for 90 days."

"Why the fuck are you talking about me like I'm not right here! Huh? That's what I wanna know." I yell wheeling closer to her now as she looks at me rather surprised. "Lis...listen...I have...I have a shitty reputation at this hospital, I do, because most of your staff gets on my damn nerves! An...and. let me tell you, if...if... you think another physical therapist will be working with me you are out of your fucking mind! I will discharge my..myself right here and right now if that's what you THINK, because...because.. you can' can't force me to stay here. And Lena will discharge Bird, and believe me bother will leave himself!"

"I do not advise you to leave Ms. Foster. You still need a tremendous amount of care, and it would be unwise. We are bringing on a new physical therapist that is very experienced and-

"NO! What is unwise is, you! I told Le...Lena to take me outside because that's what I wanted! If something happened to me that's on me! ME! Not her! And I...I told you...I..I don't want to work with ANYONE else! I..I will NOT work with anyone can blow off!"

"Stef, it's okay." Mike says gently placing his hand on my arm as I push it away.

"Ms. Foster I-

"It's Miss! It's...It's Miss Foster! I don't know alot of things...but..but I know that!"

"I apologize Miss Foster. I know she has helped you. I know you trust her. And-

" hell you do. don't get it. You have idea! And your bullshit to keep Bird away from me, you can shove that shit up your ass too! Because guess what...guess what, that...that.. ain't happening you try to keep that kid away from me and I'll wrap my hands around your neck and ring it! think I...I won't. Because I...I.. will. An..and let me tell you, Lena is my medical proxy now!, what the fuck she says GOES!! And if...if she goes..I go, Bird goes and my brother. We..we all go!! All of us! You are a fuck..fucking moron, dumbo heifer. That's..that's what you are!"

"Stef, come. It's alright. Let's head on back to the room." Mike says again as I glare even harder at this moron as she turns to look at my brother opening her trap again.

"Mr. Foster we can work out an arrangement. The new therapist is very good. I can assure you both. I know this is upsetting, we are all upset to loose Lena, but prematurely discharging yourself is not advised." She keeps on going and I just want to kick her in the face as I'm about ready to explode and Mike rests his hand on my shoulder as I grit my teeth.

"No thank you. It's Lena Adams for us, and it's our right as patients to leave the hospital if it's not fitting our needs. That's something we are all aware of. So, take care." He says sharply as he slowly wheels me out and my head is spinning because I'm so fucking angry and livid. Fuck am I angry to the point that...that I want to punch something. But, my mind spins and I faintly hear my brother saying my name as I see the same apartment again and Tess being shot in the neck as she falls to the floor right in front of me.

"I'm scared, Stef. I'm scared." Bird says as I look down at her and she is holding onto my waist very tightly. The room is dark, the only light coming from a window covered with bars as my gun is drawn.

I feel fear, I feel mild panic, but I push it to the side because my main focus is Bird, and I knew this was not a good situation.

"I know baby but I'm here. I won't let anything happen to you. You just stay right behind me and don't move unless I tell you. I'm here sweetheart." I say to her as she holds onto me for dear life and I don't see Tess anywhere now. No where, as a man comes running towards us and points a gun at Bird. I fling myself in front of her hearing shots go off as I see Tess fall to the ground again along with Bird.

But as I get up no one is there as I find myself in the hallway running as Bird runs past me and I chase her down a giant flight of steps.

"Bird! Bird! Stop running baby! You aren't in any trouble! It's okay sweets! Bird!" I yell chasing after her as I hear her open a door and I run as fast as I can pushing the same door open not seeing her anywhere, but realizing I am outside now and it is pouring rain. Pouring rain and I am getting soak as I look both ways and try to run back into the building when I slam right into Tess.


"She's upstairs! Come! We can save her Stef! Stef, come on! Stef!"

"Stef! STEF!" I hear Mike now who is shaking me a bit as he is sitting on a bench, and I look right at him."Stef, are you okay? Are you alright?"

" yeah, another memory. was so real. It was so real... Mike."

"The shooting?" He grabs my hand, rubbing it as I hold it back, nodding my head.

"Yeah.''s so mixed up, Mike. It's..Tess was there. I saw her..saw. She got shot. Then she was outside with me. I...I don't understand. It's all so confusing in my head, Mike. I can't make sense of it. I...I wanna talk to Lena." Tears run down my face now as Mike gently wipes them.

"Okay. Let's grab some coffee in the cafeteria then check on Bird. Ya'll be okay. I'm sure Lena went to grab some things at home to bring back, and we'll talk to her so we can see what we are doing. Okay? We are going to help you get some clarity on what you remember about the shooting, Stef. We will, I promise."

"Okay, I ... I  want to see my little girl first. I want to see Bird."

"Alright, come."

A Time For Love (A Time For Love Series-Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now