Lenox Hill Lunch

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"Denise is a bitch on wheels today! I just don't think she gets enough ass!" Duke blurts out as I almost choke on my pastrami sandwich as we decided to have lunch outside today considering it was a tiny bit warmer then it had been all week.

"I don't think she's married Duke." I sip my soda as he shakes his head and rolls his eyes. "Or I think I remember Callie saying she's a widow?"

"Can you blame him if he died? I would to being married to her stank ass. She's a freakin horrible person."

"Oh god that's terrible don't say that Duke! I mean maybe she had a hard life, we don't really know." I shake my head at him again as he shrugs his shoulders and continues to make comment after comment about the people that walk by us for Duke was a mess and he really had no issue saying the brutal honest truth.  I mean I took no offense to it because at least I knew he wasn't bullshitting me.

"Anyway Miss Lena, how is your new place?" He asks as I take another bite of my sandwich and smile at him.

"Duke, I love it."

"Yeah? You plan on inviting me over?"

"You can come over anytime you want! I told you that! As soon as I'm done decorating I'm going to have you and Callie over and a few more friends." I smile at him as he just looks at me and raises his eyebrows. "What?"

"Can I be honest with you Lena? For a second."

"Ok, aren't you usually." I sip my soda as he turns his body and gently rests his hand on my arm.

"I am BUT you are a beautiful woman and you LIVE here. That's not healthy. At all. You need to be out enjoying your life and loving your new apartment and dating."

"Dating doesn't work out for me Duke I told you that."

"Yes you did because you keep getting set up with MEN. And you and I both know you don't like men." He blurts out as I nearly choke on my food and stare right back into his dark brown eyes for I had never mentioned a word of me liking women to him. EVER, and I thought I had done a good job of hiding it. Crap.

"What? Of course I like men. What are you even talking about?" I laugh so awkwardly now as he sips his drink and clears his throat continuing to look at me. "Duke, I like men. Whatever gave you the impression that I don't?"

"Well, I can tell and usually I'm not wrong Lena. Maybe you don't know yet?" 

"Duke, I do know. I'm not, I like men. Honestly I do. I just kinda put my career first because it's important to me. I know it seems like I live here but I just want to help people and make a difference in their lives. Seriously do you think I don't like men because I'm not after all the doctors!" I laugh as he shakes his head laughing at me now and I can only hope I'm convincing.

"No. But maybe I pegged you all wrong Lena. If you say you aren't you aren't BUT you still shouldn't live here or you will end up like Denise." I burst out laughing now at him and shake my head for he was just too much as I look at him and he laughs himself. "It's true. If you want to end up like her keep living here. BUT I know you are new and I get it like you said you want to make a difference and all. Just make sure you take time to yourself in your fancy apartment. Deal?"

"Deal Duke. I promise to take time for myself." I smile at him  as he returns it sitting back in his metal chair as I finish up my pastrami sandwich.

"But speaking of which how is your Uncle Alvin?"

"He's ok. I haven't seen him in a couple of weeks but I plan to go up to his place this weekend." I sip my cola again and look back onto Lexington Ave that is jam packed with rush hour traffic. "But he seemed ok when I saw him last. And your brother?" I turn to look at him as he shrugs his shoulders and lights a smoke.

"Same. He has his good days and bad.Can't seem to shake this latest cold though but I just don't want him to end up on, on that floor."

"I know. I just wish they knew more about this thing. Every time we turn around they are putting out new information that conflicts other information. It makes it impossible to know what to do."

"At least it isn't airborne. I mean for now anyway, and neither you or me do drugs or are having sex. Your mother still refusing to let you see him?" He crosses his arms and takes another puff as I let out a sigh and nod my head for my mother had been persistent about me not seeing my uncle Alvin to the point that it was tearing our relationship up even more.

"Pretty much which is why I didn't tell her last time. I mean it's not like I'm not terrified but I love him ya know? She forgets he took care of me for a good part of my life, like how you can you just forget that. I can't and I refuse to not see him because of what he has and because of her own fears. Besides I'm very careful when I see him and I don't drink after him or anything. But you know what, I do hug him. Because I love him so it's what it is Duke. I refuse to treat him like he has some plague. I mean I know he does but I'm not going to treat him like garbage. I love him."

I feel him reach over and place his hand on top of mine as I turn to look at him and try to prevent my tears from forming in my eyes. But it was hard because I did love my uncle Alvin dearly and I hated that he had this thing and I hated how my mother treated him like some monster now. To me he was still my uncle that I loved more then anything and he was the one that encouraged me to try this field of study and I was forever grateful to him for that. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to take over the conversation Duke."

"You didn't. And it's good to get it out because you know I understand and listen you tell me if there is anything I can do." I place my hand on his and gently rub it. "You know this secret between you and me stays with you and me."

"I know and same goes for you. Anything I can do you tell me and I'm there."

"You do, you bring me coffee!" He laughs as I burst out laughing now myself and shake my head as I grab his smoke and take a few puffs. "Now come lets go before Denise sends out an APB for us!"

"Oh god!" I laugh dramatically as we toss our garbage and head back to Lenox Hill and I make a mental note to call my uncle Alvin as soon as I get home tonight for I had so much to tell him and I wanted to makes sure he was ok.

A Time For Love (A Time For Love Series-Book 1)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα