A Family For Bird

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"I...I can't believe how much it's snowing, seems like everyday, huh sweets?" I say to Bird as she looks over at me, smiling. We are making a few ornaments for the tree, and I was thinking about what gift to give Lena, considering I was her secret Santa.

She had been out the last few days because her uncle had passed away, and I had been working with a few other therapists. I wasn't a fan of them, and I still wasn't a fan of Callie, but I was trying.

However, I'm looking forward to Lena coming back, but I hope that she is okay. Losing someone is...is not easy.

"I never saw so much snow, Stef. We usually get a big storm, but not every day like this. I really like it. Do you?"

"Yeah. I..I like the snow. It's...it's nice, baby." I say, winking at her as her smile grows bigger. As I stare at her, she colors her ornament, and I see she has drawn another picture of us playing basketball.

It also wasn't lost on me what she had been calling me the last few weeks, and I had been working very hard on learning to walk again and participating in therapy and OT. But, I had not spoken to Bird about me possibly being her mother once I was able to because I think part of me was still terrified that I would never be okay enough to do so.

Honestly, I couldn't imagine how this little girl felt. Being so young and having no family, no parents, nothing. That was even more terrifying in my mind. Lena was right. She deserved stability, she deserved a loving family, and I was just hoping to god I could be what she needed.

"I feel badly about Lena's uncle. Do you think she will be okay, Stef?" Bird asks, breaking me out of my thoughts as I look at her.

"I think so, babe. Yeah. She, she will be okay. It's strange her not being here, right?"

"Yeah. Even if it's only been a few days. Do you miss her, Stef?"

"Yes, love. She's..she's a good person, Bird. Very...very caring."

"She is. I'll be happy when she comes back. The other therapist doesn't play the music I like. It's stinky." She makes a face as I laugh now and shake my head for this little girl was rather funny, and she often made me laugh when I did not want to.

"So..um sweetheart...I umm..want to talk to you for a second. If...if that's okay?" I say as she puts her crayon down and looks right at me. Gently, I move a curl away from her forehead as she continues to stare right into my eyes, and I feel my nerves creeping up on me. Even after talking to Mike, I was still nervous about this, about possibly being her mother one day, but I loved her so dearly, more than anyone would ever understand.

"Sure. Are...are you okay, Stef. Are you not feeling well?"

"Yeah, baby, I....I am okay. You know um... Christmas is only a few weeks away. And..I.. I think it will be a nice one for you."

"As long as I get to spend it with you, Lena and Mike." She grins as I smile back at her.

"I.. I think you will. I'm..I'm sure you will. You know, Bird... I think that.. that you and I met before. Before April."

"Really? When?" She says as she goes back to coloring her ornament as I smile.

"I ..I think a year before. You were playing ball at the Y with some kids, and your ball was flat. And it was thrown over by me, and you came running over, and I ...

"And you gave me yours! That was YOU! IT WAS!" She smiles so wide at me as I nod my head gently, grabbing her hand. "I forgot that. I did!"

"Me too, babe. Me too."

A Time For Love (A Time For Love Series-Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now