The Last Day II

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"OH MY GOD! LENA ADAMS! You have so much SHIT!" Duke says to me as I glare right at him and roll my eyes. In a matter of four days, we had managed to move all my things into my uncles apartment to the point that I didn't even have time to really process what I was doing. And maybe that was a good thing because if I thought too much about it, I may panic.

I had found a really good moving company with Dukes help, and I had ordered all the equipment that I needed in order to continue to work with Stef and Bird. It was mainly Stef who would need the more advanced machines, but it would continue to help Bird improve her walking and the usage of her arms.

When I had spoken to the doctor in terms of discharging Bird two weeks early, she had fortunately believed that it would be fine as long as Bird continued her PT and OT, which I of course reassured her would definitely be the case. Obviously, if her doctor didn't feel it was okay, I would have kept Bird at Lenox Hill along with Stef and Mike because she was our first priority, and we were all in agreement about it.

Stef, on the other hand, her doctors were advising her that she should remain at Lenox Hill for at least another two months. But, she was done and over it, and I think at some point she'd leave on her own before that because she had proven more then once that she was not passed wheeling herself right out of there. 

I couldn't blame her, and I felt along with Mike that it would be okay and that it would continue to help her get accustomed to being in the outside world once again. 

Mike and I had also found a nurse who would visit daily, we had her medication, and we would take Stef to her monthly doctor visits, which consisted of endless scans, something else I knew she was sick of. 

This entire thing we would play by ear, and at some point, I'd need to notify foster care about Stef living with me. But, it would all be handled as I look Duke hard in the eye and roll my eyes again.

"Just please help me! I really don't have that much."

"YOU DO! But thankfully, you didn't need to bring any furniture except for Birds. I can put up the curtains with my friend Darrius later. He loves to decorate."

"Darrius? Is he new?" I ask, putting a kitchen box down as he smiles at me.

"No, my love, he is not new. I do not mention all of my little stowaways to you."

"Ha! That you don't. But, Duke, is this crazy? I mean, is this insane?" I ask as he walks over to me, staring me right in the eyes. "I mean, Mike wants to pay me for this equipment, like a payment plan, and so does Stef and told them absolutely not. I'm not interested in their money. I just want to help and take care of Bird together. And eventually look for another job."

"OR, do it privately and go to peoples homes yourself. OR NYU hospital. Honey, you don't need to think of all that now, but it's ridiculous that they replaced you. I find it insane and rude."

"I don't even want to talk about that. I have to hurry and go be with Bird. But how are we going to be ready by tomorrow? The nurse is going to come by tomorrow, too! Goodness, I really need to write all this down!"

"No, what you need to do is relax, darling. I just told you Darrius and I will have this all set up for you! I will finish Bird's room and Stef's room. I can put up the bar in the tub for her and get that all taken care of! You need to stop worrying! Go be with your little baby! Tomorrow is going to be a fun day! And like I told you, I'm on speed dial. It's a lot to take care of two people, Lena."

"I know. Mike will be here tomorrow, too. He can do a few things and help with cooking and everything. Because you do have a job too!"

"Eh, I put my two weeks in. Fuck em. They treated you like shit." He says as I put another kitchen box down and look at him in shock.


"I said I put my two weeks in. I'll look for something else, it's like a morgue over there anyway and I can't deal with Nurse Demon on my own. You're girl came up with that name and it's hilarious. So I'm free to help in the meantime too!"

"So, you aren't scared of Stef anymore?" I laugh putting my hand on my hip as she smiles at me.

"I NEVER said all of that. She terrifies me. But GO! GO! Darrius will be here soon and he's bringing help!"

"Ok, okay! I owe you so much. You have no idea!"

"I DO! But you don't. NOW GO and I'll have it done by the time you get back tomorrow!!" 

"Okay, okay! I'm gone!" I say grabbing my coat and jumping in a cab back up to Lenox Hill feeling like my life was going to change in more ways then I could ever imagine after today.

A Time For Love (A Time For Love Series-Book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora