Tree Trimming Part lll

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"This new medication seems to be working for her?" I ask Mike as we carefully take out some of the Christmas tree ornaments I had purchased at Duane Reade earlier today, along with some tinsel and lights.

I really wanted to make this day special for Bird and Stef because I felt they really deserved to remember life wasn't all about hospitals, tests and therapy. There was so much more to it and the holiday season was a great excuse to indulge them both in sweets, movies, music, and comfort food.

"A bit. Makes her tired, though, and even more of a hothead if that's possible." Mike says as I laugh along with him grabbing a few more ornaments and hooks from the bag. Turning my head I see Bird has fallen asleep on Stef and she seems to be sleeping soundly herself. I smile for it is a very, very sweet sight as Mike smiles at them as well.  "Loves that kid though. Not doubt about that."

"She does. But, she's frustrated, Mike. It's understandable. I think she feels that she takes two steps forward and three steps back."

"Yeah, I know. You know, she wants to go outside again, Lena. Which is fine by me, I told her OT is working on it. But she wasn't interested in that. She said either me or you. Mainly you."

"I have no issue taking her out again, Mike. She needs it. Desperately and honestly, she needs a change of scenery. She's been in here a very long time, and I think more needs to be done for her.  But, I need to go to Duane Reade again. I forgot the candy canes. Do you want to walk me down?" I whisper, wanting to continue this conversation alone with him because there were a few more things I needed to talk to Mike about.

"Sure. Could use some exercise." He smiles as we slowly exit Stef's room, leaving the two to nap together as I close the door a bit, and we head down the hall. "You've come so far with walking, Mike. It must feel nice."

"It does. Ya know, I use the chair if I want to get around quickly, but this cane is starting to become second nature. Helps my shoulder, too, in some respect. Callie really helped."

"I'm glad. I really am. She's a good therapist. Listen Mike, I want you to know that I have Stef's best interest at heart. I want to take her outside again, and I would daily. I feel terrible that she had a seizure from it. I really do."

"Lena, that wasn't your fault." He says as we turn down the hall towards the elevator. " In no way was it. Please don't take that on. You're great for her and just what she needs. She needs someone tough and a kick in the ass. Seriously, I don't know why they gave you a hard time about that. I gave you permission and whatever I need to do so that you can take her out again I will. You're the best therapist in this place. Hands down."

I smile softly at him as his facial expression becomes very serious. Mike was very kind, there was no doubt about it, and Stef was very lucky to have a brother like him.

"I care about my patients, Mike. I do. I want Stef to start healing and coming to terms with her injuries and knowing that they don't define her. Based on what happened to her, that's not easy to come by. It will take time. It could take years but there are many things we can do to guide her towards that process. We can even get her a seizure dog, since that's going to be an issue in her life."

"I know it. She has some things to work through as well." He rubs his forehead seeming as if he is rather stressed as we stop walking now in the empty hallway.

"What happened? Did she tell you what she remembered?"

"More like I had to tell her. This isn't easy, Lena. And I know you talking to me about your uncle wasn't either. That was such a personal thing. And I want you to know that I'm really sorry and I don't judge him. Ever."

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