Thanksgiving is Coming

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"And do you think that is a good idea, honey? Fostering a child with, with that many issues. Do you know what you are getting yourself into and the type of help that she will need. I mean, this is extensive." I stare at my mother as she sips her tea, and I just want to get up and leave. But, I promised to eat lunch with her, and here she is, being her usual self and being pessimistic. Why couldn't she just see for once that I was going to be my own person, and that was one of the reasons I had gone to live with my Uncle Alvin when I was a little girl, because he allowed me to be myself.

"Mom, I work with people that have a variety of issues. Children included, and you do realize that this is my career. That I'm professionally trained." I say as she clears her throat and sets her napkin down on her lap as our waiter brings our salads over. I barely have an appetite at this point as I can see the look of judgment on my mother's face. 

"I do realize that. You have a wonderful career, darling. Especially since you got this job at Lenox Hill Hospital. However, bringing a patient home is different from work, Lena.  And what do you know about raising a child, honey? Who will watch her when you work long hours, who will tend to her when she has issues.  And what issues is she struggling with that you don't even know about? You also live in a studio apartment. How is that going to work?"

"Mom, you really can't be supportive, can you? Is it that hard?" I say as she sips her tea again, and I shake my head, pushing my salad around my plate. "I love this little girl. I've been working with her since April, and she's been through hell.  Complete hell, and she has no one. No family, not friends, and she is terrified of going back into foster care. I couldn't sit there after she just found out that she lost her mother and let her rot in foster care. Mom. I just couldn't do that."

"I get that, Lena. And I feel sorry for this little one. I do. But, aren't you supposed to get attached to patients?"

I shake my head, laughing now as I stare out the window right at my hospital entrance, wishing I had met Duke for lunch instead.

"What if another little girl comes in, and you get attached again? Then what Lena?"

"I don't know, Mom. Okay? I have no idea. If I get attached, I get attached. But I know I'm doing the right thing. And I'm going to move. I'll find another apartment."

"You just moved. Lena, I love you honey, your father and I love you a great deal. But sometimes you get these ideas in your head that just don't pan out. And they aren't alway good ideas. Listen, I'm sure there is someone who would love to have this little girl. You just started this job. You don't want to jeopardize it by taking on more than you can handle. Do you even want to be a foster mother? Do you even like children?"

"Do you, Mom? Do you like children?" I narrow my eyes at her as she looks at me rather applaued.

"Oh, Lena. What on earth do you mean? What kind of question is that?"

"Listen. I need to get back to work. I have patients." I put my fork down for I am done, and I am livid at my mother. But why should I be surprised with her. I am the fool for thinking she would be understanding.

"Well, before you go and make a big dramatic exit, I wanted to tell you news about your uncle Alvin." She says as I zipper my coat now but stop and look right at her, for she never mentioned him. EVER.

"What.  What about him. Is he okay?"

"He's in the hospital."

"What? What hospital? You wait to tell me!"

"He's at your hospital, Lena, and can you keep it down. Please, child. He's been there for a few days."

"You have GOT to be kidding me?! You couldn't tell me this! Why didn't you tell me! I could have checked on him! Made sure he was getting the best care! Or find out what's wrong with him."

A Time For Love (A Time For Love Series-Book 1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt