When Life Changes (Part II)

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NOTE: This chapter contains violence and triggers that may be very upsetting to some readers. 

Stef's birthday had turned out to be a horrific and tragic night. To make matters worse, the rain was hazardous flooding the streets of Manhattan, the subways, basement apartments, and stores.

It had been two hours since the shooting and Mike Foster had come out of surgery not too long ago. He was now resting in his hospital bed, fully medicated from the pain of being shot in multiple areas. The events of the night were a blur to him, considering it all happened in an instant and the anesthesia was still making him very foggy.

What he knew was that his sister, his only sister, was in horrific shape and so was her girlfriend Tess, along with the little girl they were trying to save.

Mike had sustained a gunshot wound to the leg, shoulder, and arm, which, in retrospect, was mild compared to Stef, Tess and little Bird.

Both guilt and adrenaline consumed Mike because this was not how he expected his baby sister's birthday to go. At all. It was supposed to be a fun night for her. She was supposed to ask Tess to go to Cancun with her and finally take their relationship to the next level after procrastinating for so long.

Sadly, it was the reality no matter how hard it was for Mike, and all he wanted was some information about the two women and the little girl.

"How is the pain?" A nurse asks and Mike moves a bit, moaning some. He had never experienced being shot before. Enduring a rough fall maybe, but this, never.

"Mm, about a 100 out of 10."

"Okay, I'm going to give you a bit more pain medication. You should start feeling better soon."

"My sister. Myy..." Despite the unbearable pain coursing through his body, he musters all his strength to push through it. "Stef. She came in with me, our friend and.. and the little girl. My sister...is she okay?"

"I'll ask the doctor. Ok? Just try to relax, honey." She pats his hand, but Mike grabs it gently, looking the woman in the eyes.

"She's, she's my only sister. My only family. Please. She was shot in the head. If you know anything. Please. I'm so worried. I'm so worried about her." He nearly begs, and the nurse takes a seat on the bed, holding his hand back.

"Your sister is in surgery. Ok? All three of them are, and the doctors are doing everything they can. As soon as the doctor comes out, he will talk to you. But I want you to relax. You will be ok." She soothes and Mike feels tears form in his eyes. Ones he can't stop from falling down his cheek.

The memory of him and Stef heading into their patrol cars, their laughter echoing in his ears, was the last thing he could recall before everything went blank. Tess was furious about being forced into overtime on Stef's birthday, especially since she had plans with her girlfriend later that evening and wanted to make intense love.

But the three of them would suck it up and just deal with it like they always did, and they knew how the job could go sometimes.

The only difference this time was that they were patrolling alone, and Mike was aware of his sister's lack of sleep, knowing she might not be as vigilant as necessary. Concerned about her safety, Mike, being the overprotective brother he was, disobeyed orders and trailed behind her patrol car.

But luck had not been on their side that night, because he soon had to make an arrest and all three officers had split up.

Stef was the first to respond to the call about a domestic dispute involving three adults and a young child in the St. Nicolas homes in Harlem.

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