Our lives

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I had many loves before you,
Generous guys, Loving ones.
But you are the interesting one.

I've never had such thought before
but you made me want to risk it all.
Sad, stressed, and depressed
That's what I always feel

You came and filled my life with excitement.
Overwhelmed, contentment, happiness-
that's what I find in you.

What is it about you that made me want to commit
after a long time of playing the field?
We live different lives-

I'm outgoing and friendly. A total social butterfly.
You are quiet, shy and a bit introvert.
Yet, when we're together you're different.
You seem outgoing, always teasing me.

I laugh a lot, smile a lot.
I just want us to stay like that.
I am clingy and straight-forward
And it surprises you at times.

With my cheesy lines and double meaning words
you can't suppressed your smile.
I'm vocal about everything especially my feelings.
I say what I want and what I feel.
Always seek assurance and validating your feelings
You're the one who keeps it from everyone
You rarely opened up and avoid confrontations.

I'm persistent and sometimes it leads to fight.
We're two totally different person,
but we're able to work things out.

We lower our pride and compromise.
I wish we will continue like this,
Not giving up and never letting go.

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