The price of bluntness

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The price of bluntness

You said it's either curiosity or insecurity
But those words hurt more than they should've
I needed reassurance, not a verbal injury
Why did you choose to speak so bluntly?

I wanted to scream, to make you understand
That your words were hurtful, they were not in demand
But instead, I swallowed my pain and put on a smile
Hiding my insecurities, trying to go that extra mile

Your words cut deep like a sharp knife
Instead of comfort, they caused me strife
I needed your love, not this kind of pain
But you couldn't see past your own disdain

You said it's either I am curious about her or insecure
I wish you could see the damage you've done
With just a few words, you've shattered my trust
I can't believe you could be so unjust

I'm left here wondering what to do
When the one I love has hurt me too
I'll try to forgive, but I'll never forget
The day you said those words, I'll always regret.


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