Chapter 22 Visit

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"You seem to be in thought a lot" Dainsleif turned to look behind him to see Venti staring at him eyes dull. "Is there something on your mind?" He asked. Dainsleif felt a chill down his spine. All his instincts were telling him to run.

"Ah just thinking about the abyss is all" Dainsleif said taking a step back.

"Just that?" Venti asked. "And nothing to do with my grace?" He tilted his head "I've noticed how you keep staring. Are you thinking of taking her away?" He asked as he took a step towards him as Dainsleif felt the wind pick up.

Dainsleif tighten his hands into fists. "She's not safe here with you all! Your all are too obsessed-" a strong gust of wind silenced him as he used his arm to shield himself.

"My Grace is most safe! You will leave her be! Understand!? We love her! We will never let our grace be in harms way!" Venti yelled at him angry. "Don't you dare sully our bond with your corrupted eyes!"

"We will see-" Dainsleif was cut off as he felt the wind knocked out of him as he fell to his knees gasping for air looking at Venti before going unconscious. Once the anemo Archon seen he was unresponsive the harsh winds ceased as he walked over to Dainsleif.

"How troublesome." He said annoyed. "I best alert the others so they can keep an eye out."


Klee was running towards Jeans office happy she just heard Albedo sent a letter and was on her way to see what it's about. Entering the office she ran to the acting grand master who was reading a letter.

"Is that from Albedo?" Klee asked happy as Jean looked at the child with a smile.

"You come running right over after hearing the news didn't you?" Jean said amused as Klee nodded happy. "Yes it's from Albedo. He will be coming back very soon." The child cheered happy. "Her grace will be coming as well."

"Yay! Her grace and I can play again!!" Klee cheered excited but froze. "oh no.. I forgot I need to make more toys to play with!" She turned and ran off to make more.

Jean smiled. She believed your presence was really needed here. During the war thier Archon and Dvalin appeared and aided them not only in battle but in morale and spirits. When news spread you suddenly disappeared many believed you were still angry or worse abandoned them they asked themselves what they did wrong and how to calm your anger. Thankfully news soon spread you arrived back and are visiting areas of the war. At the moment your in Liyue.

"Just a couple more days.. and she will be once again amongst us here" she told herself happy.


"Hmm... I want to deliver this to my grace herself but.." the Cyro Archon spoke. "Those ex Harbingers arent to be trusted if I leave there will be no one who will be able to keep them in check.."

"In that case my Archon." A assistant spoke up as Childe looked at him. "Why not take them with you."

Childe sat there silent before jumping up from his seat. "That is genius!! If I can show her grace I can handle them out of Snezhnaya! Then she her opinion about me is sure to increase! She will see she can count on me for more tasks and be more dependent on me!" The Cryo Archon looked pleased. "Then it's settled! I'm off to see her grace!" He declared before rushing off to get ready.


"I knew it" Aether said staring as Dainsleif unconscious body. "I warned him."

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