Steve- Kidnapped Pt. 2

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You come to when a stinging pain explodes across your cheek. Your eyes flicker open and you jerk forward. Rope binds you to a metal chair, the rough material cutting into your skin. Your thoughts are a muddled mess of memories you can't piece together. Finally, you remember a HYDRA agent shooting and kidnapping you.

"Ah, you are awake. I was beginning to think I killed you," The man whispers in your ear.

You jump at the voice, making him chuckle lowly. The room had no windows, only one door. The walls were a dirty shade of white and the floor was stained with... Blood? You try to scream, but a piece of duct tape blocks the sound.

"You are amusing to watch," He says from the shadows, making you squint your eyes to get a good look at him.

When you ask who he is, your words are muffled.

"Oh hold on," He mutters, fully walking into the light and making you frown. You were expecting some creep who looked deranged, but he looked completely normal. When he pulls the tape off your mouth with a quick rip, your eyes water.

"Let me go," You breath the second you blink away the tears.

"I don't think so, miss (L/n)." The man tsk's, dropping the duct tape and slips back into the shadow of the room.

"And why is that?" You mutter, wincing when you move your hurt shoulder. Your eyes widen when you see the amount of blood you've lost. "I'm going to bleed out if you don't put pressure on this-"

"I know," He sneers. "That's why Captain America should hurry up!"

You smile sadly, "He won't come,"

"What do you mean? Of course he's coming!"

"No, he won't." You say. "If other people's lives are at stake just for mine, he won't show up."

A distant bang makes the man jump behind your body. "Looks like you were wrong,"

"If he was smart, he wouldn't open the door!" You shout, knowing that Steve had heard you.

But being the stubborn, lovesick, solider he is, the door was flung open and he stepped inside.

When his eyes find yours, he imminently steps forward to untie you. But something cool is pressed against the side of your head, stopping him.

"Let her go!" Steve roared, unable to keep his temper from blowing.

"Now why would I do that? Not when you've given me nothing in return," The man sneers.

You open your mouth to tell Steve to leave, to run, to do something, but nothing more than a breath of air leaves your lips.

Steve's eyes flicker to you in concern, then to your bleeding shoulder. "What the hell happened there!"

The mans eyes never leave Steve. "A minor inconvenience."

That being said, Steve's expression hardens. "What do you want?"

"Information. Where SHIELD bases are located, access codes-"

"Not a chance," Steve hisses.

The man smiles widely, then pulls the safety off the gun and rests his finger on the trigger. The tip of the pistol lays against your temple. "There's nothing I can do to change your mind?"

You meet Steve's eyes and give him a firm shake of the head. "Don't," You croak, your vision swimming.

"You got a pen?" Steve growls, slowly raising his shied. "Because I'm only saying this once,"

The man, not removing the gun from your head, digs around in his pocket. The second his he looks away, Steve flung the shield him.

The gun goes off, the man goes down, and Steve catches his shield and runs to you. Tears are in his eyes as he sees blood dripping down your cheek, but gasps when you moan. He's insanely at your side, scanning the place where the bullet just grazed your head.

"Steve," You murmur, your head lolling to the side. "My ears ringing."

Not being able to help himself, Steve chokes out a laugh and kisses your head. "You'll be alright, (Y/n). You'll be just fine..."

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